Back to Buffalo *UPDATE* Wednesday, April 25, 2007 in The "C" Word

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 5:35 a.m.
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Im gone in about 30 minutes for my trip back to Buffalo. 2 1/2 hours there. 2 1/2 hours back. I get to have my boob checked and find out what the other thing was that they took out of me was.

I will update you on everything when I get home.


Why is it that everytime I have to go to Roswell Park the weather is shitty? If it's not a snow storm, it's a damn rain storm. Someones planning this shit... I swear!

Anyway, I made it to Buffalo safely. Rain and traffic didnt stop me from getting there on time. I hate to be late for ANYTHING so I made sure I gave myself enough time. I walk into the Breast Clinic and they call me in. They take my vitals and cart me off to the room to see Dr. Kulkarnie. The nurse hands me my beautiful gown and and says, "You know the routine." I laughed and out se went. I take my shirt off and I FREAK OUT! All of a sudden fluid starts draining out of my body. I open the door and see my nurse and all I can say is "Help!". She comes in and helps me clean up the best she can since it would not stop. Im crying now all nervous and panicking. Now I am wishing that I had someonw there with me because nothing like this has ever happened to me and its scaring me. We finally get it somewhat cleaned up and I have gauze all bunched up under my boob.

Dr. Kulkarnie comes in and the nurses didnt have a chance to tell her what had happened and she asks me why im crying. I tell her and she immediately looks at it and consoles me telling me that its ok and quite normal. It really didnt make me feel too much better because I really wanted Mike there with me RIGHT THEN. She told me that she was going to put in a couple of stitches and bandage it up real well and I am not to wear a bra for at least a week. She gets the stitches in (after numbing me of course) and bandages me back up telling me to expect some more draining but it will be slower because of the stitches. The she sends me home with antibiotics.

Before I left Roswell, I called Mike at work crying and told him what had happened briefly. I just really needed to hear his voice. He's not supposed to get calls at work unless its an emergency but I really needed him. He got me calmed down and told me not to leave until I felt better. I told him I wouldnt.

On the way home, I called Hulda and told her what happened and she talked to me on the phone for a while and that calmed me down a little bit more as well. Then when I knew Mike was out for lunch, I called him back and went into more detail about it to him.

I finally made it back to Port Byron and get my script filled and came home and took it and some pain meds.

I thought I would drop you guys a line before the effects of the drugs kicked in.

I have another appointment next week wednesday and this time, if Mike or Hulda cant go with me Im going to keep Kayce home from school and take her. I need someone just in case. I dont want to ever be that position again and not have someone there with me.

The Boss Lady just called me checking in on me and told me that if I didnt have anyone to go with me, that she would take time off and keep me company. Thats cool.

Well, Im outta here. The drugs are starting to take hold and I dont want to start really bad typos. LOL! Ill read everyone when I come out of it.

Oh and the good news is that both the things they took out ended up being just lymphnodes but needed to be removed anyway.

Love ya's!

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