Im Home - 12/22/2005 in The "C" Word
- Feb. 5, 2014, 2:11 p.m.
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and I want to thank you Jezzy, with all my heart, for letting all my friends here know how I was doing.
And thank you to all my dear friends for all your love a support and prayers and guardian angels and , oh just for being there.
I will try to to tell all in one shot but its so hard to concentrate with the pain and the meds so in my time this may take several hours.
My chest is sore at the moment but for the life of me, I can not remember if I took my pain meds. I dont want to double dose and it is somewhat bareable so Ill just wait a bit longer.
OK... lets start from last Thursday morning. We left the house @ ummm... scratches head I forgot but we got to the hospital on time. Mike swore up and down that they just wanted us there early so we could sit and wait. To his surprise, they took me right in. I was #2 on the list for surgery.
From there, I really dont remember anything until Friday. I mean, I talked to people. I read things but when I was asked about any of it on Friday, I didnt remember. Temporary brain fart. LOL!
This is what they did. They cut me open. Assesed the situation and figured they could save more of my breast than they thought. Not that that was the biggest concern. But , a concern, none the less. I did however, had to lose a good sized chunk of my sternum and parts of , umm... I think 3 ribs. They did their magic and are convinced that I am cancer/tumor free. They better be comvinced, because I dont want to go through this again.
I was on a diladid drip with me at the controls for ummm... looks at calendar 5 days, i think, then they put me on 10 mils of oxycodone every 4 hrs until they saw that I needed it every 3. Not a bad narcotic. You can still function while taking it but if you just wanted to veg out and snore, you could do that too.
Ill be back. Im losing my energy.
OK, Im back. Thank god for drugs.
The day they took me of the pain button they also took my catheder out. (it was a blessing in disguise but I was quite tired of it by then). Anyway, I was getting up and about pretty well as long as the pain killers were in full force. Kinda like now.
While I was in surgery, Kayce made me a card and made me a bracelet with pretty beads and flowers. Its quite beautiful. I am going to put it on a better string so I can were it without worrying about breaking it.. The card wrote:
on the front
with the O actually being a heart.
Dear Mommy,
I hope you feel better because this little smiley one and Im smiley too and this hershey kiss meas all the kisses in the world. I hope you feel better . I love you and the bracelet means all the love I can give and it means I'm with you everywhere you go.
From your little monster,
So see... How can I not wear this bracelet all the time? Ill have to take a pic and show you guys as soon as I feel up to it.
Becky came to see me on Friday. She offered her home to Mike Friday night so he wouldnt have to drive home in the snow storm were having. But because of the dogs, he really couldnt plus he's a guy and you know how guys are. We have been having storms it seemed like the whole time I was in there and being 2 hours away, it made it real hard for people to come and see me. Mike was there thursday, Fri, couldnt make it saturday cause of the storm and was there on Sun. I didnt see Mike all week until he picked me up. But I did have my phone and cell to text.
Becky, I called you twice on your cell cause I had lost your home # somewhere on my cart. Go figure.
OK, I need another break. Be back.......
Im back again. The nurse just left and I am really tired and after reading this I figured I think I got ya'll the info.
Sooooo.... Ill talk to everyone soon.
Damn, I started this at around 11am. LOL!
Night folks!
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