LOP-SIDED - 9/14/2005 in The "C" Word
- Feb. 5, 2014, 6:59 p.m.
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sings I'M SO DIZZY. MY HEAD IS SPINNING. stops singing
I cant stay here long. Every time I sit up I get dizzy and nauseous. The surgery went well. My Doc said he removed tendon like tissue the size of a lime. He said the tissue was not like he usually finds but there were very few cells so he is convinced that it is not cancerous. I was home by noon. My left boob is much bigger then my right one at the moment. I looks very silly. And SORE!!! I am so fucking sore. All they gave me is Vicodin for pain. Now for most people, this is a very good drug but my tolerance for pain killers is very high so its only helping a little. I dont want to ask for anything stronger. Mike was supposed to cook us dinner last night but Kayce insisted because she wanted to take care of mommy so we had grilled cheese and soup. I have such a wonderful kid. Well I am feeling like I am going to fall now, so I am off to bed. I have a feeling I am going to be out of work for another day or so.
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