Jacinta & Harry (our new pets) in Stuff

  • March 26, 2018, 9:10 a.m.
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I haven’t written an entry in what feels like the longest time, albeit the concert last Friday, but a lot of other stuff has been happening, naturally.
I’ve had a few crazy weeks at work, just run off my feet trying to do the work of a few different people. The dock guy never showed last weekend and I was left screwed, and he told me he’s on leave the next three weeks. At least I know this time, but I can near guarantee that he won’t be replaced with anyone. I’ll be making my concerns known that if he isn’t, I’ll go home myself. Fuck trying to do everything alone on a Saturday shift again.
I got given movie vouchers for my efforts lol - “You’re the only staff member around here who goes the extra mile…” - words from my manager. Fuck, really? If I were a manager, I’d be re-thinking my staffing arrangements if that’s what they’re all thinking. Your workers are shithouse! The worst part is, if you work hard like I do, it’s just expected of you, and sometimes, I just get exhausted, then I get moody, and (as has happened in the past) I’ll burst into tears at work or I’ll just become really bitter - which is hard when you’re trying to keep a smile on your face for customers. “Yeah sure, I can help you ma’am…“- whilst at the same thinking I want to knock a shelf onto her kid that’s throwing a tantrum. Oh mum’s, I don’t know how you do it sometimes.
I think the only reason I got given the movie vouchers is because I let it be known that I’d slept for like 12 hours straight after I got home from that hideous shift last weekend.

Peter’s made it to Cairns, and only just by the looks of it. The rain has been relentless up in North Queensland and it looks like a cyclone or two could still be on the way. I saw video posted of a landslide falling onto a highway, and Peter posted a vid of him home in bed when he was meant to be at his first day at work but he couldn’t go because he was flooded out.
The place he’s staying looks REALLY nice though, so he did well there, it seems.
We hung out together a few days last week before he left. Saw the Aladdin musical, which was pretty good. We never spoke about the ‘I Love You’ thing, so that’s still fucking weird.
I’m sure I’ll miss him after a while, especially since he was the guy I was hanging out with a lot.
But now he’s away for at least 9 months.

I’m still not talking to Ryan. I don’t hate him or anything but I’m still annoyed at his bossy behavior toward me. I’m sure we’ll talk it out eventually. Unless of course he finds another hung dick to ride, then who knows. Sure we’ve been friends for like 15 years, but when the last 5 of those or so have been sexual, I guess the previous years mean nothing? I dunno. I just know I’m not putting up with that behavior. A lot of people just follow his orders because of his status in the Sydney/Beijing business world, but I won’t be dragged into that. He needs to apologize for calling me a “flaker’ when I never agreed to anything and he just expected it of me because I was in his city. I had other priorities, and I’m not just a dick for him when he’s horny. It works when we’re on the same page, but that was not on.

Vish. Something’s going on there, and I think it may have had to do with his car breaking down on me over New Year. I haven’t seen him since before Christmas. It’s now nearly April. And this is my supposed ‘best friend’ who’s house I would make the effort to go to twice, sometimes even three times, a WEEK. And now it’s been four months with barely a word. The only communication we’ve had was when his boyfriend messaged me whilst Vish was away, and we hung out and went and grabbed coffee. He rang Vish and I chatted to him on speaker, and that was it.
I don’t know if it’s just the shitty situation that happened where I had to pay $350 for a battery for HIS car so that I could get home and he feels guilty about it or what (most likely) or whether this is just this thing called life and friendships and relationships are like tectonic plates and just shift over time and things fall apart like in an earthquake.
I mean, I’m basically not talking with either Ryan, nor with Vish, who are/were two of my longest friendships of my entire life.
Interesting times.

I’ve organised to go see ‘Love, Simon’ this weekend with my little group of friends (that I still have HA!) but still waiting to see if Moe’s boyfriend can make it. Rhys and Luke are coming but not sure about Ben (damn couples always having to do shit together). Steve and I are the only singles in the group of six of us. So it might be four or five coming at this stage. Either way, i want to use one of my movie vouchers up, and I always have a laugh with those guys.

I’m only working TWO days this week, since we’re closed Good Friday and I don’t have to work Easter Sunday (woohoo!) so I’ve booked a bus to Toowoomba and back. My sister has kindly offered to pick me up from the bus station and drive me the rest of the way out to my parents place, since they live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and there’s no other way I can ever get there. I did look into car hire, but once again, every company is charging like $400 because it’s the Easter weekend. Fucking corporate greed. I wish rich bitches would stop actually paying what they’re asking but they apparently do because they keep getting away with it. #poorpeopleproblems HA! I’m hoping to get my sister to drop me off at Kristy’s place so I can see her for about an hour or so because heading back home to Brissy for my normal weekend. I’ve since found out that my older brother is driving down and it would be easier for me to get a lift with him and back, but he’s staying overnight in Pittsworth and I’ve already paid my non-refundable bus fare, so..... I’d rather just go out for a few hours rather than overnight, let’s face it, it’s Pittsworth and it’s worth the pits.

My Europe trip is sneaking up and I’ve still only organised as far as Spain. I’m worried about finances, stupidly. I should be sensible and pay off my entire credit-card in full when it’s due, but if I do, it’ll make things really tight for overseas. I’m sure I’ll get by, but it’s just a bit stressful and I’m wondering if I should just pay half of it and cop the interest so that I have extra to play with. Or should I cut out other countries and spend more time in London again (where I’ll have free accommodation staying with Andrew) where it’ll be less stressful because they speak English? I keep telling myself that’s way too boring and I should stick to the original plan of Italy>Switzerland (maybe)>France(maybe)>UK>Portugal>Home.

I’m getting along slightly more with the new housemate, Anthony. His sense of humour is very dry, but he’s very nice, which is cool.
We’ve had a few animals take up residence in the house. One is a baby ringtail possum who has made a den out of the slats between the house and the garage. We can see her in there when we leave the house. She scared the crap out of me because I walked out the front door and saw this tail hanging down. But she seems very timid. Anyway, Anthony has named her Jacinta, and we’ve both been feeding her fruit lol. I think there’s something wrong with her though and Anthony agreed. He was like, “Yeah she’s fucked.” Poor thing. I’m wondering if I should contact a vet or not. I know Andrew owuldn’t if he were home because he doesn’t give a shit about annoying possums and just wants to get rid of them, but she’s so cute. I’ve been feeding her grapes but she won’t eat them whilst we are watching, but they’ll be gone when I go back out there.
I was Googling stuff about possums and how they need a den or else they won’t survive, and I said to Anthony that it looks like she’s made a den out of that little spot. It’s why once they are in your house, they are hard to get out. So Anthony is making a makeshift den for her out of an old protein container because we don’t want her getting stuck between the slats.
There’s also a huntsman spider who’s made out house a home. Anthony was kind and warned me about it because he startled across it in my bathroom. It’s about the size of my palm, and I have huge hands. But I won’t mind huntsman’s because they are totally harmless. They just look SCARYASFUCK! It disappears for a half-day or so and then randomly appears in places.
I was making my way to my bathroom in the dark last night because I needed to get up to piss, and I FELT THE HUNTSMAN UNDER MY FOOT! I leaped so high that I almost hit the high ceiling. The little (well, big) bastard was chilling right at the bottom of the stairs. Sure enough when I turned my bathroom light on, he was sitting there staring at me, not moving a muscle. I don’t think I’d hurt him but he was just judging me, like “How DARE you step on me!”
I was also checking my foot for fang marks to see if he’d bitten me (how would you like to be stepped on?) but I couldn’t feel or see any. I think I’d just startled him as much as he did me.
Anyway, I then had to leap back over him to make it back to my bedroom. SUCH a girl lol.
I should’ve just got a glass and a piece of paper and put him back outside, but I couldn’t find a container big enough to fit him into because his legs are big outstretched.
I’ve named him Harry, since he’s a hairy huntsman.
I was even Googling what to do haha, and a Youtube video popped up of a guy just holding out his hands and eventually the huntsman just crawled up onto his hands and ran up his arm. Like, casually just pick it up and take it out my hand LOL. Not too sure how confident I feel about that method.

I think that’s all I wanted to write about for now.

Last updated March 26, 2018

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