Question: what kind of bear is best? in Site Updates

  • June 19, 2013, 11 p.m.
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  • Public

OK, that's not really the question I'm going to ask, because the answer is black bear.

(the full answer is Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica. If you're a fan of The Office, that is)

So I'm kind of curious what people think of the comment inbox. Worthwhile or just distracting? For most people, the content of the inbox probably doesn't change much during a session on Prosebox. And you might not even notice if something new did pop in there unless you were looking, right?

So I'm thinking a cooler idea might be to keep track of the last time you checked your comments, and just put up a little alert if you have new comments. Then you just click a button or whatnot, and pull the new comment(s) into your page, and close after you've read it (with the future ability to reply inline as well).

Am I on to something here?

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