oh wow. periphs vision problems. vertigo. *Con./TA/BI in 2017. got it.

  • Feb. 1, 2018, 11:06 p.m.
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this is from mon. again.

um so. when.........my mentor was driving me back. well first of all there aren’t a lot of um streetlights on prairies. and i live by a prairie. so i could not see out of my left periph. untill i moved so that i was facing her at angle as opposed to like. looking head on. er facing forward i mean. i could still see um centrally. um i mean ........wow i don’t know how to explain this.

i’m having trouble w/ depth perception today more then usual. i don’t like people being in my space to begin w/. but today. earlier when i was at the store it seemed like this guy was closer to me then he actually was. ok just so everyone out there knows. i’m not able to judge distance that well. not today anyway. and this was w/ my glasses on. i do have an eye dr. appt. in april. i might get new lenses depending on how things go. and the thing about............that. is that changes in vision happen gradually. [well for me they do anyway.]. usually. yeah i got new lenses some time ago and it’s like wow. no wonder i couldn’t see that well. my god.

even before. the accident i had trouble w/..........um depth perception. particularly when i’m wearing my snow boots as those things are big. they’re not like.heavy [well. they’re heavi-er but they’re not. ok they’re not Sorel heavy. or Wellingtons heavy.]. so when i’m wearing my snow boots i find my foot bumping into things cause i won’t realise. oh that’s.actually a lot closer then i’d thought it was. my snow boots which i’ve had for a year.

so i either have to assume, things are closer then they actually. um are. or........

yeah when i went up to my room. the things in the room got a bit spinny. one of my dressers was closer to me then it should’ve been. visually speaking. my tv was moving. [well i mean. in my vision it was.]. a bit of that merry go round feeling.

i keep expecting another big headache to happen. i don’t like them but it’s. it’s just weird. actually my headaches/the dizziness/nauseau have all subsided. like they’re still there..... but it’s not ‘omygod wow. ok. this isn’t good’.

so the vertigo’s new. the spinny thing.

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