Another work week finished in In the Kingdom of Suzu
- Jan. 27, 2018, 10:33 a.m.
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I only have about 22 more months to go–😆😆. Not sure if I mentioned in my last entry that Jeff is retiring April 11. He needed to give his work 90 days notice but for some reason took his time in giving notice. He has a ton of vacation days to use so he will probably take most of March off. I have knee surgery April 2 and he will be home to take me there and to therapy.
Work drama has surfaced once again. I work in the judicial records office of the courthouse and there are four divisions (I work in the criminal division) with one elected official overseeing the whole office and then there are four deputies overseeing the four divisions. Our division had a position open and it was filled by the officials’s live-in boyfriend—M. He had been a custodian for the courthouse and applied for the position and got it. (He was actually the only one who did apply for the position and he scored well—I thought people were looking for jobs ?). Anyway, the deputy for our division told us a couple of weeks ago that M would be starting and just wanted to let us know that it was all aboveboard and that the big boss and M were told no fraternizing during work hours. I didn’t see anything wrong with it. M started Monday, he was real excited about the job and it seemed like it would be a good thing. Thursday we were told that someone complained about him and altho it was all aboveboard M and the big boss decided that he would resign because they didn’t want a big stink.
I know that people do not like the big boss, even in our office, in fact ever since I started people did not like her but she keeps getting re-elected so someone must like her. Also M at one time had been married to the former bail clerk but they divorced and the bail clerk had even told the big boss that he was available but yet when they did hook up a lot of people, including the bail clerk, were upset.
I had asked our deputy if it was someone in our office who complained and she said she had a suspicion who complained but it was not from our office. Now it gets a bit sticky. I had messaged the HH girls on Monday that M had gotten the job and the responses I got back were very negative and I sure hope that it wasn’t one of them. I talked to Jeff about the situation and he really surprised me because he said that M should never have gotten the job even tho the big boss was not M’s direct supervisor. Jeff said I should say nothing about messaging the HH girls as I did nothing wrong and if it had been at his work, and it has been, he complains about it that it is unethical. The reason I don’t think it is a big deal is because altho the big boss is over all the divisions, she is hardly ever there and hardly has any interactions with our division.
Ahhhh, at times like that, those 22 months can’t go fast enough!
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