My Weekend in My this and that

  • Feb. 3, 2014, 9:16 a.m.
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Today I am thankful for a fun filled weekend with many nice surprises.

Surprise #1: On Friday my friend Lisa texted me and asked if I enjoyed classical music and if I was free at 8:00 p.m.. I said yes. Turns out she had won tickets to the Symphony Orchastra Music Festival and wanted me to join her! It was a fun night, where we got to do something unique that we normally don't get to do. I can't say I actually love classical music, but seeing it performed live is always far more exciting!

Surprise #2: I awoke on Saturday at about 8:25 a.m. I looked at my phone and saw that my mom had texted me at 8:23 a.m.. I jumped out of bed and left the room and called her right away. She asked if I would like to join her for breakfast. She was already in the city. I told her I would need a bit of time to get ready, but I would meet her at the restaurant. As I walked back into the bedroom to get ready, Ben didn't even open his eyes, he was totally sleeping. I leaned over and said softly, "Hunny, I'm meeting mom for breakfast at The Pancake House. Do you want to come?" He might have jumped out of bed before his eyes were even open. He really wanted to go for breakfast and eat a giant apple pancake. Plus, we were out of coffee in the house. After breakfast my parents and Ben and I went to costco and did some grocery shopping together. Then they came over and I baked a cake, and we played Scrabble. I came in third place, but for a while I was in first! That made me feel pretty good.

The left shortly after and Ben and I grabbed a delicious nap before I got up to ice the cake and get ready to have some friends over for a games night. It was a wonderful evening, and we taught two more couples (Chris and Lisa, and Josh and Marissa) how to play Killer Bunnies.

Surprise #3: After church on Sunday morning Mema invited us out for lunch. We went to cafe 22 and her and I shared a DELICIOUS gluten free pizza! It was so good.

Afterwards Ben and I went home and we had another nap. Then I spent the rest of the day working on my year book. After we got married I made a book of our wedding pictures. I just compiled it online, and sent it off to be printed. I liked it so much I decided to do a year book with our pictures every year. So far I only have 2012 and our wedding book, hopefully I can send off the 2013 book to be printed soon. This year I am using the photobook option that came on my mac computer. It is easier to use than the website I used last year, but it also has less options. We'll see when it is printed which I end up happier with, and that will help me decide what to use next year.

This morning I woke up and I physically was angry with my phone for waking me up. I remember even telling it that I found it to be stupid and it should shut up. I got up anyway, and got ready for the day... but my good intentions of trying my new 7 Minute Workout App went out the window. I plan to try it out tonight... hopefully.

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