peach. and um. 'i'm glad you're ok' well. um.... not quite migraines. word assoc. thing. in 2017. got it.

  • Jan. 21, 2018, 4:44 a.m.
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about the fall on Mon. how i’m doing. long entry by the way. medical talk, symptoms, emotions.

well. my bruises have gotten better. [it’s weird that i call them that ‘my’, bruises as though they somehow belong to me. as opposed to just ‘the’, bruises.].

If someone were to tell me. ‘i’m glad you’re ok’. well. um. .......... i’m. i’m glad it wasn’t worse. the fall. thank god.

on um........Mon. yeah. well. I didn’t have migraines but i had something similiar*. and now that i have. i feel so bad for people who have/get migraines.

Notes help. a lot actually. i’ve probably mentioned this. yeah I’ve been making notes in my phone matching people I know to songs or w/e. like ok ‘Valerie = amy winehouse song’. or celebs. ‘marty short. = martin short’. I don’t trust my memory right now. I’ll remember that I know the person but if someone refers to them by name.......i’ll probably get a bit lost.

um. I feel/felt unintelligent on the 19th. [of this month]. yeah: ‘ I feel so. unintelligent. [and also like an old lady.]. So today. I wasn’t quite sure where a Starbucks was. and usually. I’d know and not have to think about it. I’ve been to that one a few times. And it’s in a neighborhood I’ve lived in most of my life. I went into a Mexican place and asked. And I actually had to draw myself a couple maps as to where places are. and do the word assoc. thing. I shouldn’t have to do this. but right now. I do. I don’t like feeling this unself reliant. thank god for Post Its and yes i’m the one who wrote the stuff down.’

not that i get a lot. but i’m taking a break from um. long phone calls. much as i love evan.i kindof can’t phone right now and probably shouldn’t. [also being that i saw him last um..........mad..........month [ok so there’s a madonna song ‘holiday’ and the holidays happen in dec.] i’m not too worried about it.].

The sad thing is. [sorry if i’m repeating myself here.]. not everyone will understand this, or be supportive. but a lot of people will though.

I’ve been reading up on falls online. and it said the recovery period is anywhere from 3 - 6 months. yeah. i know. sure but that’s just a.............guideline. it’s not like ‘oh ok so after that amount of time this person will be recovered.’.

i’m still me. just a different version. but i don’ to that. [i was all about to put ‘conjunction’ cause in um. grammar that’s what they do]. and i don’t connect to who peoplpe say i am. i’ve had this before w/ it’s called ‘depersonalization’.

by the way. i might be repeating myself more then usual.

Don’t ever take your organs for granted. And it’s not cause I’m right or wise. it’s cause i know, from experience. I’m ashamed to say I did kindof as I didn’t have to um.not do that a whole lot. Things can change so quickly. for anyone. I know what I’m talking about.

talk about a roller coaster damn. the emotional kind. yeah lately i’ve been happy, sad, frustrated, angry, in denial. all in one day.

‘the man who mistook his wife for a hat’. that’s a um essay. by that...........oliver guy. well, not exactly. i just don’t remember what things are sans description. like ok. take crate & barrel for instance. My notes ‘crate barrel white box’. but just ‘crate barrel’ wouldn’t mean anything to me right now. like. uh........what? although.actually i for.........rain........oh Starbucks. i just put ‘coffee’. [‘cafe’ actually means ‘coffee’.]. so yeah. mermaid coffee. [although that lady is a siren not a mermaid.]. so maybe. It’s ........English words i’m having trouble w/ as um. .........’cafe’ is French. oh and the word ‘chai’ is easy as it means ‘tea’. [instead of making 2 or 3 other associations that go w/ that word. no that wouldn’t help me.].

and. just seeing the word on won’t do much for me. yeah i’ll start to panic. untill I smell something in that eatery and know. ok i know where i’m at now. [which is why twice now i’ve at........starbucks picked up a bag of their coffee and smelled it. also that smell calms me the fuk down.].

oh the other thing i’ve that. although I won’t remember the words for something I’ll remember the feeling i get. the holidat holiday plants. [um..........xmas trees]. i remembered vaguely that I like/d them. it was a pleasing feeling like ohhh.....i like these. so it’s a bit like i’m stoned, or something. [actually i think marijuana could help me........if i were to acquire some sometime soon.].

the soreness has gone away. for the most part.
in [wow words are hard.]. on for the past. 2 or 3 days i’ve been putting. er in my calander i mean. for the past 2 or 3 days I’ve been putting. letters for my um.symptoms. [like ok ‘C = cold’.]. i’ve made a few notes like that so i can refer back to them.

i’ve been.panick-y. and stopped when i’ve needed to when i get to that point.

I rested last night actually. for like almost 2 hrs. apparently from what I’ve read that’s supposed to help. I wasn’t fully aware, of how much..........sense........stimulation there was in the world untill this happened.
I’m able to comprehend the written word and a bit of what people say. my head i have to explain it to myself in a way that makes sense to me. which, i did before.......’the fall’ so i’m wondering..........if it’s possible if at some point in my life..........this kindof thing happened before. but i didn’t really.understand it. .......
Over the yrs. well when i had my apt. I fell down the stairs once. I landed on my face though. i wasn’t great. like i was w/ it. [though. that, was a result of doing something stupid and then deciding to gon..........go*. um.......downstairs.]. i’ve fallen into a bathtub once. no i mean into the edge of it. but i was w/ it when that happened.
oh right. so on Mon. when I fell I was sober as a damn bear.
i’m not someone who falls, a lot. but it’s not cause of that. it’s cause ok stuff happens life happens. people fall. i wasn’t careful.
oh. so i know what this is. I have.......myoclonus. [for some strange reason when i think of that word i picture a cyclops goat. and yes they exist.]. Myclonus, for those who don’t know what that is. well it’s basically.........ok so. when someone’s sleeping and their body jolts them awake for a minute. [god i hate that.]. that i think is a type. of myclonus. which by the way. is ‘an involutnary twitching of muscles or a group’. er of muscles i mean. and sometimes the whole body. credit to wikipedia/other online sources.
it’s kindof embarassing actually for me to admit. but that’s something i’ve had my whole life. but I just always referred to it as ‘my body randomly shivers’. it’s gotten better over time. It’s similiar to when alcoholics go through withdrawl and that happens. [i know cause i’ve had that though not recently. and it’s really damn annoying after awhile.]. and when it’s not been withdrawl-related i’m fine.
so. i don’t know.......... i want to know but i’m kindof afraid to find out.

i’ve had. more photophobia then usual. it’s the sensitivity to light thing.

i feel so.fragile like my head is fragile. like idinno. light. delicate. like so. butterfly head. [well. not literally.]. floaty and........idinno ‘off’. well yeah bc i am. bc a part of me physically internally. is. I feel this way for a reason.

I’m not insane. No there’s a medical scientific reason I’ve been feeling this way. It feels like I’m insane bc I don’t feel quite like myself. this isn’t quite me. it’s a bit. ‘there’s someone in my head but it isn’t me’ - guy from pink floyd. yeah. surreal that’s a good way of putting it.
I’m not making this up. Yesterday when I was online er last night i mean. [this was before i rested.]. I forgot that this happened. Not like.literally actually physically........forgot. But i just wasn’t aware of it. like oh yeah everything’s fine i’ll just go on about doing things. No. That’s not how it should work right now.
And I’m not unintelligent. [clearly, as i’ve the ability to explain and comprehend all the above. and the ability to um.look things up.]. but, ya know. feelings have a lot of power. a lot.

My sleeping’s been. i had trouble getting to sleep............yesterday morning but that’s normal for me. my eating, well. not much of an appetite. which might also be.........psychologically related.

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