contributing to the rape. in 2017. got it.
- Jan. 13, 2018, 12:35 a.m.
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so i’m not blaming my friends [/people i know/bar regulars] for what happened to me the night of the rape. well actually it was the next morning.]. but 2 of them bought me drinks........ he bought me one.......i must’ve bought myself 2.i think i know i had 5.........
apparently.and i don’t vividly remember this.but according to one of them they started to get me er.they wanted to drive me back to my place.........but he well he got a cab and took me. i don’t remember coming up the stairs to my living rm. but it obviously know something happened in that cab.
yes i chose to drink. but i didn’t choose to be raped.
yeah like a wk. or so later when i told them about it one of them Kim [oh yeah that’s why i don’t like Kim] said ‘maybe you need to trust us more.’. um wow ok. ...........yeah.
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