things from may 5 yrs. ago in 2017. got it.

  • Jan. 9, 2018, 7:26 a.m.
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right so as i’ve mentioned. lately I’ve been thinking about things from May 5 yrs. ago. when I moved out of my apt. and evan.left it. and i’m not sure.......if it was my sister who told my parents or if it was Diane my former neighbor. but when I told my sister he was staying w/ me she’s like ‘well if you talk to him about it i won’t tell Mom’. and i did i talked to him about it. which is why.i don’t think it was her. but see i’m not sure. She & I’ve never talked about it cause I don’t think it would help. they don’t trust him and they don’t like him. [well ok. a lot of people don’t like him. he’s not exactly the most likeable person though he can be.].
but. Diane & I never actually established, a confidentiality agreement which is why I think it was her. I haven’t talked to her since........i’m not even sure if she lives there anymore.or not. yeah I remember one time she said something about if i have any problems to ‘talk to your mom or dad ok?’ and I was like ‘ok’ like ‘ok i heard you’ not. as in ‘ok i’m agreeing to this’. but that’s thing. is I’m a lot more likely to talk to my friends about something then my parents and I don’t think she understood that. or maybe she did I never bothered to correct her.
I know that.those who read my blog still don’t know what all exactly happened. and i don’t even know all of it. I just know that evan left and I left and somehow my parents found out. i’ll ask him about it.

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