Happy new year! in A Day in the Life of Me
- Dec. 31, 2017, 9:47 p.m.
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2017 highlights
-D becoming officially a Permanent Canadian Resident
-Pulling off D’s Becoming Legal Celebration without him
knowing what was happening
-Meeting Diana Gabaldon
-Getting Gargoyled by kurt Lehner
-dropping a load of debt
-photographing my first wedding !
-celebrating wedding anniversary #3
-moving into a bigger apartment (albeit stress fully as it was
also over Christmas)
I know there is probably a few more, but I can’t think of them at the moment!
I am spending new years at home this year which feels weird, but the fact the xmas was so stressful with the move and all, it is just the easiest thing to do. And most relaxing. Tomorrow I will probably sleep in and then try and get started on sorting out the rest of getting settled in there is still a bit of stuff to do about here to make it easier/sorted/settled.
Hope everyone has a great new years eve and that every one is safe and well!!
Last updated December 31, 2017
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