Fuses in Book Four: Ichi-no-Tani 2017
- Dec. 20, 2017, 10:13 p.m.
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Well… consider my fuse lit.
Chinese Boss has a large mountain of Immigration work that (1) needs to be done immediately and (2) needs to be flawless otherwise our clients will suffer and if our clients suffer… that is bad for business. Except… (1) I don’t speak Chinese or any Asian dialects. (2) I’ve never done most of what she is asking me to do. I can’t figure out shit of this by the extensive reviewing of past cases. So just a big frustrating heap of bullshit all over the place.
Now, technically, this would just be par for the course in a small firm with no staff. Happened here before. Happened in Tiny Town so much that it was just the norm. But as I may have stated earlier today… I’m a bit on edge. Though, again, so is everyone else here. Because… let me paint you this picture:
EVERYONE is off next week in our office. Oh yeah, except me. Because I have court hearings that I have to go to. So technically, I don’t have to be in the office as much as I am now… but I do still have obligations. AND as I said earlier, I am a man that tries to fulfill his obligations, dammit.
But yeah… the stress and “learn by doing, but don’t fail” isn’t a blast considering what is going around my head about this ACA position.
Oh, funny thing… so… as some of you may know, I interviewed for 3 jobs recently.
Heard back from Consumer Advocacy: Did not expect to get an offer, was not surprised that it didn’t happen.
Heard back from Scott County today: They were looking for someone with more felony experience so I didn’t think that I had a great chance. They still sent me a nice semi-personalized note with the rejection. Excerpt: ” It was a difficult decision, but we hired the applicant with the most felony prosecution and trial experience. Your experience and dedication is also impressive and we enjoyed meeting with you.”
AND THE ONE I REALLY WANTED? THE ONE I WANTED MORE THAN BOTH OF THOSE COMBINED?! Haven’t heard. Not exactly surprised… I mean… I interviewed in Scott County on the 7th. It took them roughly 2 weeks to get back to me. I interviewed for ACA Job I Want on the 13th. And even though they said they wanted to let people know their decision starting the 21st… they are bigger than Scott County, so I shouldn’t be surprised if I don’t hear back until the 28th or 29th. Except, of course, that would drive me mad. Partially… because I want it so badly. Partially… because I just want to KNOW and be done with it. Because… I do want it so badly.
A House. Health Benefits. Wife would never again be able to blame anything but herself if she stayed at Wal Mart. A staff. The opportunity to not just “learn more law” but actually “become a better lawyer”. The job is all I want for Christmas, can you tell? lol.
BTW: In a profession where it can be tricky to get between 4 and 5 billable hours consistently? I have 1 or 2 hours left in my Wednesday and I’ve already accumulated 21 billable hours. Averaging 7 per day. Bringing this firm no less than $210 a day (and no more than $1400 a day).
Deleted user ⋅ December 28, 2017
Nice houses!