Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
- Dec. 7, 2017, 6:12 p.m.
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I am thankful I live in a country where I can live without fear.
I am also thankful to live in a country that has universal health care for everyone.
I am thankful for HubbyMan and the kids, all of them, lol.
I am thankful for all my peeps, you guys rock!!!
I am thankful for DashMan, Miss Kitty and The Gizmo, lol.
I am thankful for change and perspective.
I am thankful my parents, they’ve both been in my thoughts a lot lately.
I am thankful for my health, compromised as it is, it is still much better than some.
I am thankful for new experiences, hopefully lots of good ones in the coming year!!!
And as always I am thankful for you!!!
Happy Thursday!!!!
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