Interesting Tension in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014
- Feb. 2, 2014, 4:21 a.m.
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Damnit to puss spewing bloodgutted hell. Sometimes things... man... things......
This morning, I did some research work, worked out, showered, paid rent... typical things. But I also made my wife her favorite dinner. Yes, I just... am like that. Our relationship issues start to bother me to unholy hell; I go out of my way to do something nice. Because... I suppose I just am that guy that always wants to make things work. Anyway, made her brinner+.... waffles, scrambled eggs (w/cheeses and onions) and sausages. She did appreciate it, she did enjoy it. Of course, nothing came from it and I didn't expect that anything would.
Then... the grag-d'gragblarg. In a "I'm finishing this or die trying" with my Bar Exam Application... I succumbed to the last resort for finding all of my addresses. I went ahead and signed up with a credit score site like I was told to. AAAAAAnd because I think with a shared account, money matters should be shared as well= I ask my wife to be present as I do all of this. Good news, btw, my credit score is pretty good. BUT... the information I needed, the information I was there for... wasn't there. Couldn't find it. It *wasn't *there. Really.... this process is making me crazy. The State Government HAS *the information; I know they have it because if I don't put it on my application, I get rejected. But they won't help me *FIND **the information so that I *can *put it on my application. But- y'know what? I've been dealing with this crap for over a month. I sent an e-mail to the head of the Bar Examiners board and said "Here are my issues, how do we resolve this?"
Of course, my wife thinks I've not tried hard enough. She immediately scurries away, grabs her laptop and starts trying to find the information I need. Like I haven't been trying to do this since late December. I have already moved on because I need to ask her another money question. There is a Bar Exam preparation class that I would like to attend, but I'm not sure if I should as the whole thing costs $1100. Considering I gave up my comic book collecting so that we would have an extra $1000 to spend; I figured this would be an appropriate issue to bring up with her. GOT MY HEAD BITTEN OFF. Not because I would ask about spending money. No no no. But because how dare I interrupt her when she is having difficulty finding the information (this information, btw, that I've been trying to find unsuccessfully since December.) Yeah... she specifically said "I don't care. Do what you want, I'm busy!" Um... I guess I appreciate that she wants to help so much but... this is what I've been dealing with. I haven't just been sitting on my hands hoping the Bar Application would take care of itself. And she gives me attitude because she's pissed that she can't find it within 20 minutes? I just... I think I need a vacation away from her. It'll never happen, too much to do and all that... but... I can't help but think how appropriate it might be to simply head to my Parents' place, hang out with some old friends, hit the scene around there and just... not deal with my wife for a while.
Tempestuous1 ⋅ February 02, 2014
Sometimes time spent away brings further clarity.
QueenOfBritton ⋅ February 03, 2014
Or maybe she should go away? Visit her family and friends and try and find what makes her happy again. I am a full supporter of marriage, and I will tell anyone to keep at it, but I am so confused by her behavior.