security gaurd lady. and bus bench lady. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Nov. 13, 2017, 2:53 a.m.
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right so in one of my recent entries i typed: ‘ ‘so i don’t like cops. and earlier a security gaurd type approached me and asked if i had a ride. but to me she was just being nice in order to gain my trust. that, probably sounds bad but i’m a cynic and a negative person so. yeah gain my trust only to betray me by breaking my confidentiality. if it had been anyone else.......i’d feel um.patronised. like ‘are you ok do you need a ride?’ god i’m not 2. i know i’m a small lady but i’m not fragile. instead of ‘you good you got a ride?’. i actually prefer that. and yes.’

^ this was. well i was outside of the store waiting for the lady when the security gaurd lady approached me.

also: ‘ #thatawkwardmomentwhen. you’ve sat down on a bus bench for a few mins. to rest. and this lady comes and sits down. and you wait a few mins. so she doesn’t think you’re leaving just bc you are. even though. you are.’

^that might’ve been the same day........i’m not sure yet. but i was on my way to the store when that happened.

oh yeah. and in an entry from the 22nd: ‘ ‘untill recently i never understood why, people didn’t use power strips for certain things just that they didn’t. and i always wanted them to since i’m a big believer in them. i’m always surprised when people unplug things from power strips but don’t turn the power strip off prior to doing so. whereas i always do. except for my phone charger actually but that’s cause my phone charger has that little box thingy on it so. anyway. well apparently power strips aren’t strong enough to plug certain items into. er i mean. not to plug them into but like. to hold the charge or w/e. like tvs for instance. ‘

^ oh yeah. cause when i plugged my tv into my power strip the tv wouldn’ come on. and so i talked to the lady about it and apparently. the power strip wasn’t strong enough to hold the tv.the tv’s. charge.

oh yeah. in an entry from the 6th [of last month]: ‘ um. Right so the bus people got this new um. touch tone keypad thing they call it instant voice recognition or something like that. The person either tells their ID number or um ........damnit. or they put it on the keypad. and let me tell ya. it’s a lot more trouble than it’s worth.’

^well. ok so it’s still fukin doing that. but actually i think it’s my phone. that’s the issue. yeah cause when i’ve called the # on the back of my starbucks card it does the same thing. the stupid ‘press 1 for this’ thing doesn’t work. same w/ calling the My Stop # for the city bus and putting in the 5 digit code.
i’ve read actually online about how to fix this there were 2 options. i haven’t actually done it yet.

so in an entry from the 25th [of sept.]. i put: ‘ oh so. there’s this guy who i’ve seen at least 4 times while at the store walking his dog.’

^ well. his dog is a dingo and his name is Dingo. [that’s like naming a horse ‘Horse’.]. i don’t know the guy’s name so i’m calling him Rob. cause he looks like a ‘Rob’. yeah i kept seeing him outside of the store and i’m like ‘ok one of these days i’m going to go talk to him’. since i keep/kept seeing him and all. well one day i was sitting in the little park area eating and ‘Rob’ and his dog came by. and we talked for a bit. ‘Rob’ ‘s apparently just a genuinely nice guy. he doesn’t appear to have a lot of money. i think he lives somewhere by the store. um. he’s always nice to me although.not like he has a reason not to be. no but i mean. he actually takes the time out of his day to say something to me to acknowledge me. and you know that’s so nice. just a random person that i don’t even know that well.

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