so i think i got it figured out. and bed linens. and laundry. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Nov. 13, 2017, 12:13 a.m.
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so i think i got it figured out. the valerie thing. I was looking through my um entries. and it seemed like. every few months we’d have problems. not like weekly. [or rather i’d have problems w/ her.]. but that might’ve been bc.we didn’t go to the same place all the time.
so i’ve already textmailed her. and said we’re still on for tom. i want to go to wendy’s. and that’s all i put. to test my theory. [and actually. i was thinking about it and. wendy’s is actually cheaper.then mcdonald’s.].
ok onto the next topic.
So last night the lady asked me about washing my sheet. she mentioned hygiene. right like that’s supposed to have an impact on me. [it doesn’t by the way.]. and i said to her in reply to her she wants an answer by Fri. [which contradicts what she told me about not pushing me. er pushing i mean pressuring. not pressuring. me.] anyway. yes i told her ‘probably not’ and that i had other laundry to do. [which well i do. but i’m also using that as an excuse to not wash my bed sheet. oh it’ll get done. it’s just not that imperitive to me to get it done like.right now. but see. i can’t ever tell them that.]. and she was ‘trying’ [ok again. still not a thing] to understand what the difference was between me doing the laundry at my mom’s. vs. me doing the laundry here. [no ok i do do it here.]. and i said ‘well i live here’. god that was a weird awkward response.
what i meant was. well it really has nothing to do w/ where i live that’s not the issue. The issue is. i only have the one fitted sheet. and i’ll get another one at some point. yes at some point. on my own time. when i decide i want to. And the reason i haven’t told her the real reason I haven’t washed my sheet in.awhile is bc i don’t want the buying to be rushed.
oh she also asked ‘can i wash it?’. well i don’t know can you? are you physically able to? shouldn’t she know this? [yes i’m being that person. by the way i told her no.].
oh and the other thing she said was that she’d write it down as a refusal. um ok. that doesn’t have much impact on me. bc i don’t let it. so far that’s all that’s happened. or that the next step might be having a meeting about it which.i really don’t think that’s neccessarry. no i’ll do it when i’ll do it. right now. i might say at the meeting the same thing i’ve told her.
see this is the problem w/ honesty. if someone is going to upset someone then there’s no point in letting them know that. but hey you want to be that person who doesn’t care all that much. then ok. i’d rather care then be honest. [which is weird cause i don’t care that deeply about most people. if i really thought about it i would. which is why i don’t.].
so. that was last night.
now onto tonight. well so i have this habit of.over doing things. and i’ll also wash new things before i er well use them. and if i don’t then i have to wash something the amount of times i washed it. and i do mean ‘have to’. it’s like a compulsion. don’t spend time convincing me otherwise. yeah so i have this one grocery bag i’m washing. [or i was anyway. and i’m going to return to doing so later.]. from whole foods. and she asked me how many pieces of clothes i was washing. and i’m ‘i don’t know’. no i know. i know exactly how many i just don’t want to have a discussion about it. and then proceeds to tell me to have something else in there w/ it to balance it out. which makes sense but that doesn’t really impact me a whole lot. like sure that’s good to know but that doesn’t mean much to me. like um ok. see that’s not something i’ll respond well to. also w/ something new it seems a bit redundant to put in something i’ve already washed. that i’ve had for awhile. and that’s just not my way.
and if she doesn’t like it. well that’s not really my problem. i’m just here till i get my own place that’s my main goal. no and it’s not that the people aren’t nice. cause they are. it’s just.we have different reasons for me being here.

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