please don't talk about me when i'm gone. or even when i'm not./please don't let me be misunderstood. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Nov. 11, 2017, 2:11 a.m.
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right so in my recent entry entitled ‘please don’t talk about me when i’m gone. or even when i’m not.’ from the 8th i put ‘ anyway so when I was at the self checkout I overheard ashley talking to 2 of the manager people about me. and not like in a bad way she was just telling them about the PIN card thing. and I felt really.just awkward having overheard their conversation.’ and ‘ From their conversation I got that maybe they think I’m lower functioning then i am........and more fragile then i actually am. like ‘we should keep an eye on this lady cause she doesn’t completely understand how things work’. well which i mean yeah sometimes i don’t but does anyone, really? like i felt all defensive even though. i was the one who’d overheard them.’ well no one at the store has said, anything to me about it. but i just felt like naked somehow. like oh god. now they’re going to treat me differently. like one of these days they’re going to ask ‘is someone w/ you?’ jeez how low functioning do they think i am? if i were really that low functioning. i wouldn’t be there by myself. and to me the fact that people think i’m that fragile. means they think i need to be institutionilised. even though. nothing’s been said about it. but this is where my paranoid mind goes. and no amount of convincing is going to help so.
but see the thing is. they don’t understand all that. they don’t understand that i um.i’m not that fragile.
and. so. in the words of that one song. please don’t let me be misunderstood.

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