bed linens laundry thing. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Nov. 7, 2017, 8:24 a.m.
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yes again.

so i still don’t have a mattress cover on my bed. er on my mattress i mean. and i don’t particularly care, about having one. it’s not like an imperitive thing for me. cause unlike most people i’m not all weirdly obsessed w/ germs and hygiene. i’m sick all the damn time w/ like laryngitis or w/e. but the lady sure seems to be all weirdly obsessed w/ it. and i didn’t realise untill recently that they actually had a purpose. cause i always called them ‘mattress covers’. and the reason i don’t want one is um embarassing. it’s like. ok so the thing w/ helmets. is that since people wear helmets like bikers and such they think they can get into more, accidents. that they have to be less careful. right and for me that’s the same w/ a mattress cover. well if i have it i’ll think i don’t have to be as careful. [ok i’m a pretty careful person.]. but bc that’s an embarassing reason i.don’t want her knowing about it. and saying something about it. ironically. helmet wearing isn’t actually promoted in amsterdam.where everyone bikes.
she actually bought me one. as though i’m too incapable of getting one myself. don’t do me any ‘favors. ok well obviously if i’d wanted one i would’ve bought over the one i have from my mom’s. which i really don’t plan to do.bc. i don’t want one. and i can’t just say ‘no’, when someone asks me something. i’m ‘maybe’ or ‘it might happen’.........not a straight ‘no’. or ‘i’ll think about it’ which when i say it it means i already have and the answer’s ‘no’.
she said something about watching me. and i’m not sure.if she meant she’d be watching me actually wash my bed linens. or put the sheet on the bed both of which again i’m capable of doing myself.
on sun. when we talked about it. she said something about the deadline being fri. and then told me she doesn’t want to pressure me. kindof hard for me to believe her when she says the thing about the deadline. and the other thing is.i only have the one um fitted sheet. and i don’t like my bed not having a sheet on it. and last time i looked i didn’t find any other fitted sheets i like so. one of the reasons i wash my clothes as often as i do is cause i have more to wear.
i’ll just keep telling her the same thing. ‘maybe’ or ‘it might happen’. i don’t give definitive answers. i also don’t make promises. ever. cause i don’t want to tell someone something will happen only to have it not. and also. if we’re being honest here. that’s just my way of not doing things. it’s not really fair to string them along like this either but that’s.not really my problem although it probably should be.

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