Blue Raspberry Hair in 2017
Revised: 10/31/2017 3:34 p.m.
- Oct. 29, 2017, 10 p.m.
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I have blue raspberry hair. The topmost layers are a turquoise, and the bottom is fuchsia. The turq is a little more drab than I was hoping, but I also should have lifted the remaining (old) colors before putting the color on. Oh well. I also havent washed it yet, so I may be happier with it then. My hair is waxy and could stand to have an applesauce mask applied, but Im not sure if that will affect the colors. Im sure I goofed up my hair nirvana by using the box (chemical) colors on the top last time. I strayed from my tried and true love for pravana. Lesson learned.
I was going to NaNoWriMo this year, but Im not sure Im up for the challenge. Maybe trying to commit to NoJoMo is a better idea. But for sure Im going to need some topic suggestions, if Im to write every day. Whatcha got?
Last updated October 31, 2017
theinkykitkat ⋅ November 01, 2017
I posted some prompts for NoJoMo if you're interested at all!
And I miss having colorful hair. Yours sounds gorgeous.