Exhausted... in Fresh Start...

  • Oct. 31, 2017, 1:51 p.m.
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I’m sitting at work waiting for today to just be over already. I’m exhausted and sore.

Last night me and my ex hubby cleaned out the goat barn. He basically shoveled it out and I swept up some, then I pressure washed. I knew it was going to be dirty, but Jesus. I ended up covered in gunk and straw from head to toe. It looked a lot better, but after unhooking the pressure washer I had to just hose myself down then strip outside and go hop in the shower. Then forever in the shower to get the straw out of my hair. It was disgusting and I may come down sick from being all cold and wet.

I still am avoiding F. I hate it and I’m probably drinking more than I should and I’m probably gaining weight, but I’m not sure I care right now. I plan to care after I have surgery which I’m hoping will be soon.

I’m going to the brewery tonight. I think me and Kayla are going to break out the Mario and Luigi costumes tonight. Let’s hope it fits lol. Maybe I’ll figure out how to post pictures on here…

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