oh thank god. and phone stuff we were mislead. and so apparently. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
- Oct. 8, 2017, 4:47 a.m.
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so I have a working comp. charger now. well i had one before but after 2 - 5 mins. my computer would turn itself off bc the damn charger wouldn’t work v. well. [i’m not being figuretive here this is actually what happened.]. yeah i brought one over from my mom’s. the charger i mean. oh thank god.
So remember how I was going on about the internat’l calling thing? [for those who don’t it’s in the entry entitled ‘ phone internat’l calling.....phone stuff.’.]. well i was right. The internat’l calling thing is built into my phone. so we don’t have to go and get a new thingy just to add that. It is like continental breakfast as part of a hotel stay. yeah my mom actually went into att and talked to the lady about it. so we were mislead. [it’s not lying bc i don’t call ‘a lie of omission’ lying. it’s being dishonest sure but it’s not lying. no to me lying is if someone is asked if they like blue and they say no even if they do. that’s lying. to me it’s a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ thing.].
ok so apparently. well. I didn’t know untill recently that the rules the lady has to follow are part of Medicaid. from what my mom told me. which is my insurance co. like her documenting everything. but my plan/w/e changes we make to my plan like the not having rm. checks thing. well that’s known as.my plan. i know it’s a weird thing i don’t completely understand it myself. i thought Medicaid. well I knew it was my insurance co. but i thought. it only paid for Megan. [she’s my dr. i see her once a yr.]. and then there’s the co-pay. I thought the rules.were what Support [which is the company Marty.........Laura.........Susie.........Amber.........Hannah and Nick all work for. oh and Lily. she’s my new financial lady. yeah i have a new.........that.]. i thought the rules were the company’s own personal rules. ya know, something that they, personally, had decided on as a company. i don’t take meds so it doesn’t make sense that.......that would be part of the medicaid rules. i’ll talk to Marty about this.
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