Six weeks later.... in shiny things

  • Oct. 3, 2017, 10:57 p.m.
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....and I am making an entry at 11 pm on a weeknight, because (a) I have decided to, as they so amusingly say in Peepshow, pull a sickie tomorrow. I need a mental health day!! And (b), I got a teeny little keyboard for my iPad today, and it is so much fun to type on that I actually want to use it. I’ve been blaming my lack of writing on my iPad, which I got a year ago to replace my aging laptop. I loooove my iPad; I don’t regret getting it in the least, but I have to admit it’s been more difficult to write on. The onscreen keyboard is a pain in the ass, and although I do have a keyboard case with a nice keyboard that types very well… it’s heavy and thick and it always seems more trouble than it’s worth to take the iPad out of its normal case and put it in the keyboard case that I don’t KEEP it in because the whole point of the iPad is being teeny and light and portable… and yes it really does boil down to being too lazy to keep changing cases. (It’s a third-party case, not an Apple one, which are probably less heavy and awkward) This new keyboard without a case (a Logitech) is ridiculously light and tiny and thin, and it types REALLY nicely.

And although I used to write entries at work, back in the lovely days when I had spare time, I don’t have spare time anymore. That’s one reason I’m taking a mental health day – I am exhausted. We’re now splitting up students by the alphabet, as I wrote about in my previous entry ages ago, and .... I HATE IT!!!! I HATE HATE HATE IT!!!!!

Well, okay, it will probably be fine. This is our trial-run semester, and it really has turned out to be more complicated and involved than we were expecting, and Mr. Organized and I took more students than Aggravation Receptionist and Miss Tattoo because we are used to doing the more complex stuff and they are learning it— so we’ll be able to shift around but right now it’s about to kill both of us. We actually have deadlines for things now, like Senior Checks, where we email students a list of their remaining requirements for graduation. So we’re doing Senior Checks with the goal of getting them all done in eight weeks, whereas we just did them till we were done previously. Now we have quotas!!! Which are currently very arbitrary and self-imposed and can be adjusted since this is a trial run semester, but I’m feeling stressed out about it anyhow. Currently I’m ahead of my Senior Check Game and I’m STILL feeling stressed out, because I’m not used to having deadlines- even self-imposed ones.

And what better way to battle feeling overwhelmed and behind in my work than taking a day off??? Well, it will give me a chance to rest and relax and when I go back Thursday I am determined to be more balanced about this. Also, the weather has been absolutely stunning these past few days and I need to enjoy it before winter sets in.

What I hate, though, isn’t even the feeling of pressure from arbitrary deadlines – it’s doing newly declared majors and major changes. Which is what Aggravation Receptionist has always done in the past. Because, OMG, they are SO SO SO BORING!! They are mind-numbingly boring, and it’s the same thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER and I am not going to go into details because the details are so boring it will kill you just reading about it. They are also not difficult it all so I’m starting to understand why AR sat around playing online and texting all day. It’s just entering data into the system. Over and over and OVER and over and over. Each one is a zillion steps, too, and they are all easy and all murderously boring. And there are SO MANY. So, so SO SO many.

I really do hate it. I’ve never been good at tedious tasks- I get bored fast and quit paying attention and make mistakes- so the only good thing I can say is they aren’t hard and they don’t take long at all individually. But they never ever seem to stop appearing in my in-box. I’m hoping I won’t hate it so much when I get used to it, but I’m doubtful that it’s going to work like that. There WILL be times when we don’t have so many at once, at least. And we’ve gone paperless so it doesn’t involve making files and making copies and sending them to all the individual offices now. It’s just indexing them into the paperless system and emailing the admins. I would really lose my mind if files were still involved.

I do need to note that AR seems to be doing okay with the senior checks, at least- although Mr. Organized is still having to double check her after weeks of doing them, which is causing him a lot of extra work. And she certainly isn’t sitting at her desk doing nothing anymore, which is refreshing.

Hahaha, so now I’ve gotten THAT out of my system and I’ve ranted about work for a whole entry, maybe I’ll manage to get back to my England entries. Now that we’ve been back for.... over four months. OMG.

Last updated October 03, 2017

Deleted user October 04, 2017

Work can eat you up :-(

ermentrude October 04, 2017


Eriu October 04, 2017

I think I'd need a mental health day just to process the fact that AR is working at more than being aggravating!

Justlovely October 05, 2017

OMG, I can't do the repetitive work, either. I make mistakes because I simply can't stay focused on that sort of thing. Feeling your pain! Glad you took the time off to clear the cobwebs. As a society, we just don't do it enough. Why can't grown adults keep track of their own graduation requirements in their senior year of school? Rhetorical and choir preaching, I know.
I would DIE without a proper keyboard. Just doesn't happen in my world, to type on a screen.

edna million Justlovely ⋅ October 06, 2017

Yeah, when I was in college I looked at the checksheet for my major and... took the classes it said to take. That was all there was to it. It’s really bizarre and scary to see how helpless a lot of these kids are - we’ve got a hand-holding culture at the university now.

IpsoFacto October 05, 2017

I have arrived...over and out.

edna million IpsoFacto ⋅ October 06, 2017

Oh, hooray!

noko October 05, 2017

If it weren't for music and podcasts there is no way I could get through boring repetitive many stepped tasks. I find that as long as I don't have to listen too closely it actually helps me focus instead of going into full rebellion and doing something not work related. Sorry you are so busy, all the best for a successful trial run and hope you had a distracting and refreshing day off. It is beautiful here too. Big old moon.

edna million noko ⋅ October 06, 2017

Yay for pretty days and nights! It’s ridiculously warm and clear blue skies, at least for now. And the moon is breathtaking!

noko October 05, 2017

Oh and I have a cool very lightweight bluetooth keyboard for my iPad that I love but don't use near enough. Thanks for the reminder.

edna million noko ⋅ October 06, 2017

I bet it’s the same thing - it weighs nothing and is Bluetooth.

Marg December 10, 2017

What's the name of the Logitech keyboard you got? I had a look online but there appear to be vast differences in price! Could use one of those though.

edna million Marg ⋅ December 10, 2017

It’s a “Keys To Go” Logitech and was about $65, so not cheap but not as expensive as some are. This is the US Amazon link, but weirdly I ended up sending the amazon one back because it was very scuffed up. I went to Staples to look at theirs to see if they are supposed to look like that (a big office supply chain here that is usually more expensive) and they weren’t scuffed at all and oddly were about the same price so I got it there and returned the amazon one. I think it was used then returned.

Marg edna million ⋅ December 11, 2017

Oh cool - thanks for that!

edna million Marg ⋅ December 10, 2017

And I TOTALLY recommend it- it’s so light you don’t even know you’re carrying it, and types very well. Very good feel to it- it’s like using a normal keyboard.

Marg edna million ⋅ December 11, 2017

Oooo it comes in red ...... although I suppose that would look slightly stupid with a black iPad right enough! Is the keyboard like a laptop keyboard in the sense of how it feels? I’ve kind of got used to typing on the iPad keyboard now (although I never thought I’d EVER say that) but it does irritate me from to time I have to admit.

edna million Marg ⋅ December 12, 2017

It really does feel like a laptop keyboard to me - it's got a really nice touch, and I like it better than my PC keyboard which is very clicky and clunky. I've had it for nearly three months and haven't had any problems with it at all. It stays charged for ages too- I don't think I've charged it again since I got it. It is very small, of course, but I haven't found that to be problem after about 30 seconds of getting used to it. And I absolutely LOVE how it is amazingly thin and weighs NOTHING. I stick it in the padded cover I carry my iPad in. It does get scuffy - I just noticed yesterday how scuffed the keys look, but overall I give it an A+.

edna million Marg ⋅ December 12, 2017

I generally use it with a lap desk if I'm typing on it at home (generally there's a desk if I'm using it for meetings) since it's so light and little that it doesn't stay put as well just sitting in your lap.

edna million Marg ⋅ December 12, 2017

AND, oooohhhh, I wanted the teal one! And have a kind of rose/gold ipad so it would definitely have looked weird --- but they were out of stock at Amazon when I ordered it, and Staples just had red and black so I ended up with black. The red is really pretty, though -VERY red!

edna million Marg ⋅ December 12, 2017

AND, you can possibly use it with your phone too, although apparently it's later models. Mine is a 2-year old iPhone 6 and says it's not supported. (I just tried it - I'd actually forgotten it works with phones until I looked at the link again.)

Marg edna million ⋅ December 13, 2017

Oh well it won’t work with mine then - it’s an even older iPhone 5C!

edna million Marg ⋅ December 18, 2017

Mark has my 5C, which is.... five years old?? I think it has to be. He loves it, and I miss the size of it.

Marg edna million ⋅ December 19, 2017

I must say I really like it as well - not that I have much to compare it to I have to admit - but I have no burning desire to upgrade to anything fancier! And you made me realise just how much I’m using my iPad these days - it’s been an absolute lifeline since I’ve been so ill. Going on the pc seemed to make me worse for some reason so I’ve gradually been working out how to do a lot of stuff on the iPad and it’s been just as good - more so actually because it’s so portable. I can remember the first time I saw one years ago - my brother-in-law had got one - and I couldn’t get over how wonderful this little thing was!

Marg edna million ⋅ December 13, 2017

Well you really got me going there! I’ve just spent the last 2 hours trying to decide what keyboard I want after looking at the different ones on the Logitech website😊. Finally decided I don’t need light or portable - I’d prefer something a bit more like a normal keyboard with a bit of weight to it as I’ll be using it at home mainly so have gone for the K480 which has a nifty sort of docking station thingy and seems to be compatible with my phone. Spent ages on YouTube looking at reviews of that and the K380 keyboard to see which one I prefer - all without moving from the comfort of my bed!

By the way do you have a Mac? I’ve been trying to find out what emoticons look like on a Windows PC - if they show properly or not or if it appears as one of those weird boxes with nothing in it?

edna million Marg ⋅ December 18, 2017

LOL! Good research! Yes, if you're not going to tote it around, that sounds like a better choice. I don't have a Mac- just the iPad, which seems to show icons normally as far as I can tell. OH, I saw you've checked out OD, but I'm getting a message that your entry is unavailable - are you still set to private? That's the default, and it took me days and annoyance over getting NO NOTES that I realized I needed to do that first.

Marg edna million ⋅ December 19, 2017

Oh right - I had no idea it was set to that - thanks for the heads up! I haven’t actually written anything yet - I just had a look around but realised you couldn’t leave notes until you paid so that put me off. Do you know what happens after the month’s free trial? If you don’t pay does that mean you can’t get in any more?

Marg edna million ⋅ December 27, 2017

Just wanted to say I am LOVING my new keyboard! Thank you so much for pointing me in that direction! Infuriatingly UPS delivered it a couple of weeks ago at 8.50 at night by which time I was in bed and not about to get up and answer the doorbell. Of course if I’d known it was them I would have and I could have kicked myself when I saw the card on the mat later on. They didn’t try to re-deliver and took it to one of their pick up locations which was a little shop 10 minutes drive away - beyond frustrating because I still can’t drive anywhere yet. However today my brother ran me over to the shop to get it so I’ve been playing with it all afternoon and it’s brilliant! Although I see what you mean now about paragraph breaks on Messenger - when you use the iPad keyboard, hitting enter DOES create a new paragraph but with the new keyboard it sends the message off into cyberspace before you were finished talking just like you were doing! However if you hold down SHIFT and then press Enter you get a paragraph break that way.

I’m just so chuffed with this thing! :)

edna million Marg ⋅ December 29, 2017

I’m so glad you like it! I don’t know what’s going on with UPS. Here they’ve started having the postal service deliver UPS packages.... which are shipped UPS so as to AVOID the terrible postal service. So UPS will leave things in the mailbox now, since it’s being delivered by the postal service, but it also ends up taking longer... because it’s the postal service. And when they do actually use UPS, UPS will leave the package on other people’s front steps and then say they got a signature.

Marg edna million ⋅ December 30, 2017

Good grief that sounds worse than us!

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