Here, have some side effects & call me in the morning in General Mental Anesthesia
- Sept. 29, 2017, 3:15 p.m.
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A continuation from the previous entry regarding the ridiculousness of healthcare (or the lack thereof) and the callousness of Dr’s who prescribe medicine without regard or thought as to how it may interact with… well, let’s just delve right into it, shall we?
So, my primary care Dr just called…
I have to add yet another medicine to my daily routine. The picture of pills btw… That’s just breakfast!
Because of constant high blood pressure readings like the one shown, I now have to take lisinopril. and do you know what really makes me excited???
If you’ve been following me (reading my updates) then you know that on top of things lately, I’ve been really sick with an illness including bronchitis (to where I had to be put on a respirator in the hospital because I couldn’t breathe & had extreme pains in my chest). The severe coughing over a prolonged period has exacerbated the injuries to my back (3 herniated discs, a compressed disc, damage to my c1 & atlas vertebrae & spinal stenosis). I’m in excruciating pain because of that everyday, but I grit through it, only medicating for it when the pain becomes absolutely unbareable. It’s so bad right now, that 10mg of Flexeril and a 50mg tramadol has no effect whatsoever! I’m having a lot of trouble breathing because every second of the day feels like I’m lying on the floor with someone standing on my back in high heels! (Particularly over my right lung). Guess what one of the main side effects of lisinopril is? ‘PERSISTENT COUGHING!!!’
Ugh, just kill me now…
Other ‘common’ side effects (depression, diarrhea, chest pain, abdominal/stomach pain, confusion, common cold…) As someone currently losing his battle with ulcerative colitis; I can’t wait to see what happens next!
And my lab work from yesterday shows hypomagnesemia or (low magnesium levels in the blood). So now I need to add a magnesium supplement to my pound of daily pills.
With so many of you awesome and amazing people (creating positive vibes in the universe) by sharing / donating and asking other people to share the GoFundMe campaign ( and particularly offering kind words and ‘prayers’ to me for better health…
Why on earth do I keep getting worse?
Why do I not have any good news to share?
I try to think positive through the depression. I do what I’m asked to do, I take my meds, vitamins etc… I’m very engaged in trying to get well.
It’s despiriting to say the least. 😔 - I’m tired.
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