Don't It Always Seem to Go in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • Jan. 31, 2014, 1:57 p.m.
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Yeah... will power is clearly not a strength of mine. I slept through my alarms again. Or they didn't go off, I can't be sure. In order to sleep through my alarms would require me to sleep through a constant electrical buzzing from my Philips alarm clock followed by me sleeping through loud blaring music from my Sharp alarm clock followed by my wife waking up at some point to turn them off, her coming back to bed and her not waking me up. That series of events sounds unlikely. But... two alarm clocks, purchased from two different locations, made by two different manufacturers *both *failing to perform their primary function on the exact same day also sounds unlikely. Of course, there is a third alternative. I could have turned the alarm clocks off and not remember it. But that would require that, while still sleeping remember, I was able to get out of bed, walk to the other side of the room, operate two different types of mechanisms in order to shut off two alarm clocks, walk back across the room, and get back in bed.... all without having any conscious knowledge of that action. Strange.

After that... the inherent dichotomy of my insides completely played out. I had this great big list of stuff I wanted to accomplish after class and I was excited to work out, get homework done... I was happily looking forward to being productive and getting some of this crap hanging over my head taken care of. Somehow, even though class was only 2 hours... it was enough time to completely dissolve all of that. When I got home, I didn't even have the willpower to start the laundry. This isn't good. I'm never going to get this stuff done if I can't find a way of forcing myself to do it.

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