Interesting Day in Book Four: Ichi-no-Tani 2017
- Sept. 7, 2017, 9:40 a.m.
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Got into work… body is in pain.
Nobody has gotten back to me from yesterday. Seriously… I spent most of my yesterday contacting people (attorneys and clients) saying “We need X, Y, or Z by tomorrow. If you could please contact me in the next 24 hours, I would appreciate it.” Aaaand… nothing. Nothing from other Attorneys (Professionals who you would expect would reciprocate professionalism) and nothing from Clients (people that are paying us to help them who you would expect would want to help us help them). Hell, I haven’t even gotten responses to the E-Mails I sent Chinese Boss on active cases she asked me to look into!
Add in the fact that nobody is in the office today… seriously. This is a building suite that hosts 6 attorneys and 3 support staff. It is (as of this writing) almost 10:30… and the only people here are ME and the Assistant for a different firm. So… already feeling like a pretty stupid fucking day. The best I can manage for a To DO List for the day?
Re-try to contact everyone from yesterday.
Attempt to contact a Bank for a client with fingers crossed hoping they go for my suggestion… realizing they likely won’t.
And… cover for White Boss at a hearing at 3:30.
That is everything I can do today.
I better not hear a bunch of shit about billable hours for this week.
And I know, I know, that by saying that… I am almost guaranteeing it to come to fruition.
Into the lame, stupid breach I suppose.
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