The Ever Passing Moment in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • Jan. 31, 2014, 9:30 a.m.
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I don't know if it is just the way ProseBox is designed or what; but I get the distinct impression that it is going to be hard keeping up with everyone here. I love how thoughts and ideas can be segmented into different "Books" and I will thoroughly take advantage of that. The amount of ideas I have for stories, scripts, games... yeah, my mind could probably come up with a "new" idea every few minutes. Of course... gun to my head.... they wouldn't all be good ideas nor would they all be original ideas. If I ever get it finished I'm making a tabletop game that, while original in some ways, is essentially nothing more than Best of Anime mixed with DnD mixed with Fallout 3 mixed with DC Comics mixed with Mortal Kombat. Or the Harry Potter-style book series I have in my head... it's mostly a combination of original content and Rosario+Vampire. But still... it'll be nice to put them all someplace.

Time is just blazing past. It is odd. There are reasons to think "Ugh, time is moving so slowly" but than not even a few minutes later I'll realize... "Holy crap, WHAT day is it!?" I am going to start resorting to "strict scheduling" and hoping I can actually stick to it but, frankly? Days like today don't inspire confidence. I set my alarm for 7 so I could run some errands before class. Slept through the alarm... by about 5 hours. So I woke up super late, dashed to class and... by the time class is over it is 7:00pm. I should do homework, but I have a stack of work to do for my legal organization that I end up doing instead. I justify delaying the homework by pretending I'm going to do it over the weekend; but who knows if I actually will. Of course, I have a stack of work to do around the house as far as cleaning and basic domestic chores... plus the Bar Application and the giant checklist the Dean just sent out explaining the Exit Process that we have to undergo. Ufda!

I am REALLY hoping I get to.... scratch that. First thing I need to think about is trying to track down everything for the bar application... THEN *I need to think about finishing the checklist the dean sent out... *THEN I need to look for a job somewhere... THEN **I can do what I was going to say originally. Which was.... I really hope I get to see family and friends this semester. I mean, I know (and it is obvious) that I have a lot of stuff to do. But... I love my parents and want to see them more often than once every 6 months. I LOVE having a new little baby niece but... I would like to see her again before she starts walking/talking/paying taxes. Plus my friends back from where I grew up? I mean, I'm not close with all of them but there are still 4 that I keep in regular contact with. I haven't seen them since last August!! It would just be really nice to have some "back home fun" before I have to REALLY gear up to study for the bar exam.

I think what is going to work best... though, it will definitely tax my willpower which I already struggle with; I just need to immediately forget the concept of "free time." I have this nasty habit to do things like relax, sleep, surf the net, take my time at work... some things which can absolutely be pushed to the side. If I want to do anything "for myself" this semester... I have to start getting things done as soon as I can and not put them off. Again... not an original concept and definitely a concept that will challenge my limited willpower... but if I try it this weekend, maybe I'll have excellent results.

RANDOM: I know these are women, and I get accused of dancing like a woman all the time by my wife, but I wish I could dance like this:

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