A Trip With LSD in Buy a Ticket, Take a Ride
Revised: 07/04/2011 2:30 p.m.
- July 4, 2011, 1:30 p.m.
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Solid surfaces shift and shimmer on LSD. Colors are more saturated, light is brighter, more solid, more impressive shapes made by window dressings. When I started hallucinating my first thought is that this is nothing new, all these optical illusions and waking dreams naturally occur albeit not in excess.
I ate two sugar cubes in the afternoon. I noticed perception warping when the sizes and shapes of objects distorted relative to another near it– like the broken lamp which leans slightly to one side made an entire wall and archway appear bent drastically to the same angle. But nothing felt “unreal”, hallucinations were daydreams I felt alert for. I wondered if this was a placebo until I started to feel euphoric. I paced around, had excited conversations, everything looked beautiful.
I was constantly laughing at cliches I understood… my vision was fish-eyed and the shadows and skin folds of faces were fascinating. It felt like incredibly good pot. I was amazed I could see what a brain does when its looking for a face displayed.
After a few hours we added pot, when the experience became psychedelic. My husband had his first trip after he combined with pot. What I “saw” on acid didn’t even feel like a dream; It felt like remembering a dream. It’s like the images came the instant I tried to put words to it.
I hallucinated time. It had a sort of inertia, slowing and speeding with momentum. I was listening to the Stones, “time, time, time is on my side…” started getting strange, I thought the song was repeating while it wasn’t. Then the music slowed down, shuddered and echoed, reverberated indefinitely I was amazed the music didn’t combine into white noise. All of the sound waves from layers of music combined into some symphony of the same song on different parts of its cycle, each distinct and varying speeds, pitches, probably some other hallucinated details…
Resets were beyond my control but it seemed like there was some pattern or regularity to it, like the breaks were measured; I’ve experienced this on pot before. I tried to anticipate them and started talking to Ben about my perception of time. I relied on sarcasm, glib responses, and answering questions-with-questions to keep my mind going at the speed I felt. Sarcasm put a lot of strange suggestions into the trip. Ben missed my sarcasm sometimes, I had so many thoughts and my body language didn’t match up, there was a huge lag between what I thought and what I said. Later I concluded this was lag from time travel. The suggestion of time travel were in these loops somewhere before it occurred to me seriously. It didn’t seem like my idea. Later I felt like I was sending messages to my future self from the past by planting seeds with those topics which came up later, forgetting and realizing and revising what I thought was going on, picking up new ideas and dumping them.
On acid, sound combines into surreal vibrating tones. I already had a lot of surreal vibrating tones in my music and a lot of it is a more-or-less accurate reproduction of the effect. (Radiohead, I might be Wrong) I spent a lot of time laughing about the accuracy of cheesy stereotypes. I’m pretty sure near every cartoon being inspired by acid in gags like being lead by nose to food which feels like a literal experience sometimes.
The immense thing I gained from the trip was an intuition of a duelist universe. I think literally and lean against elaborate ideas beyond apparently reality. I’m more materialist than anyone I know. But I felt like a split entity when I was hallucinating time. I’m running out of energy to put words to what I experienced. It wasn’t all good (I was afraid of being electrocuted for a little while) but I feel awesome.
Last updated April 11, 2015
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