New start in Hello.

  • July 4, 2017, 5 a.m.
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I’ll get the vegan stuff out the way first. It’s mainly for my benefit, so skip it if you like.
I’ve been meat free for a week now and about 95% vegan. John has been very accommodating, which I was a bit surprised about. He usually scoffs at my whimsies until he realises that I’m actually serious. On Sunday I made a chick pea curry with brown rice and I offered to make another turkey one, but John said not to. The kids all enjoyed it too. Then last night he made a vegan Chinese meal (stir fried veg, brown rice, barbecue sauce, kimchi). He marinated some tofu and some chicken, and put them both in the oven. The tofu was delicious cooked that way, even fussy Eleanor liked it!
My colleagues have clocked that I’m eating vegan. I haven’t told them as such, they just noticed that I was only drinking herbal tea at work and not troughing in the biscuit tin! I’ve started taking cashews to work to snack on. Jo was genuinely curious behind the mentality behind not eating any eggs or milk, “after all, the animals aren’t killed to provide them, are they?” She listened carefully to what I had to say, nodded and said “I didn’t realise…”
Physically, my gut is on the whole behaving, except when I drink wine and I get the squits. I don’t want to have to give wine up too! I’ve ordered some probiotic, that should be here in a day or so. I’ve also lost 2 pounds, but I feel like I’m losing inches too. Somehow I feel lighter. I can’t describe it, I think it’s because I’m eating less crap. I’m not picking up sweets or crisps in the shop any more, I’m really missing my usual pick n’ mix jellybeans!

Rob has got a new job! He’s going to be a live in commis chef in a hotel in the lakes, about a 40 minute drive away. We’ve had a proper chat about how his happiness is paramount and if he decides he doesn’t like it, he’s to pack it in and come home. While I don’t want him to move out again, I realise he can’t live with us forever and him being fairly close means I can just hop into the car and be with him if he needs it.
It means him taking a pay cut, but he’s not bothered about that. At Brewer’s Fayre he was just learning their brand standard, which is basically following a planogram to put food on a plate and microwaving it. This new job will teach him proper chef work, and the scope is there to do catering at college on day release. We’re going through today to have a look at the place and his accommodation, have a wander round the village and get something to eat. Then on Sunday we’re moving his stuff in. :(

Odd Socks July 04, 2017

yes, i think a lot of people don't really understand why milk, eggs, etc aren't great either. i'm not vegan, but i'm very aware of these industries & particularly eggs, i try to get the better ones (i'm first in line when one of the school mums has half a dozen from her chickens!).
well done rob - i hope after his time at home recuperating, he will this job works better for him :)

Lucretia July 04, 2017

Great that John's being so supportive of you eating vegan, it really helps when everyone gets behind you.

I'm sure you know, but it's really easy to become B12 or iron deficient on a vegan diet (been there, got the t-shirt, it's no fun at all). You can get supplements, but try Engevita B12 flakes; I sprinkle them like Parmesan as they have a cheesy taste.

Great news about Rob's job, it sounds like it has a good future in it if he likes it.

Babe In Toyland Lucretia ⋅ July 04, 2017

I bought a supplement, but I've just had a load of nutritional yeast delivered today, I hope I like it!

Crystal Apple July 04, 2017

I like reading about your veganism. The transition is interesting I have been considering it for a long time for several reasons - ethical and health wise.

Babe In Toyland Crystal Apple ⋅ July 04, 2017

Just try it for a day and see how you get on. If you find it easy, go another day. Thing I found that kept me going, don't beat yourself up if you slip up a bit. I've definitely been vegetarian for a week, that's good enough for me!

Bomb Shell July 05, 2017

It amazes me that people don't realise that animals are killed to provide milk and eggs. How do they think they can extract milk from a cow if a calf is present? And what do they think happens to male chicks in an egg farm?

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