Vegan day in Hello.

  • June 29, 2017, 3:31 a.m.
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Drawing from the help of a lovely vegan group on Facebook, yesterday I had my very first vegan day, food wise. (My cleaning cupboard and dressing table are full of products I haven’t checked for their vegan status, but I feel really wasteful just binning them when I’ve already bought them and have partially used.)
Breakfast I had a banana, a big handful of cashews (a pound a bag in Wilko’s!), a pint of 50/50 apple juice and water and a cup of tea with almond milk.
For my work packed lunch (5 hour shift, 15 minute break), I made a salad packed with nuts and beans, snack was celery and peanut butter.
Dinner was stir fry with rice noodles, black beans, tofu and shitake. I made enough for Rob when he finished work, but he had already eaten, so I had enough for my lunch again today.
I also made overnight oats with banana, dates and almond milk, so it looks like today is going to be pretty vegan too!
I’m still not sure about going all out vegan all at once. I feel like I have to eat a lot more to fill me up, and this morning I feel a bit windy, for want of a better word.
I also slept for about 11 hours, but not sure if that has anything to do with my diet. But seeing as I ate very little processed food yesterday, less additives could have that effect I guess.

I’ve got another thing to add to yesterday’s list. Glamping. I’ve wanted to stay in a posh tent for as long as I can remember. I’ve been Googling them and there’s some pretty epic ones out there. There’s one site where your bed is a platform suspended from the ceiling of a geodesic dome, they look amazing! Definitely going to do more research into that!

Seacláid June 29, 2017

Wow, that's a massive increase in fibre intake - make sure you drink lots so you don't end up bloated and constipated but windy. I could never go fully vegan, it feels a bit too extreme for me. Make sure you don't skimp on the protein sources - tofu, lentils, quorn etc, they'll help keep hunger at bay without feeling like you're eating an entire vegetable patch of fruit n veg just to feel full. There are also some good vegan protein powders out there to add to shakes if you want something quick and hydrating with a boost of protein. Good luck.

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ June 29, 2017

Not really, I eat a lot of veg anyway, just substituted animal protein for beans.

Seacláid Babe In Toyland ⋅ June 29, 2017

Beans are high in fibre.

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ June 29, 2017

Yeah, I've done plenty research, it wasn't as if I suddenly decided one morning! I've been talking to long term vegans and a nutritionist online and they've been really helpful with answering my questions.

Seacláid Babe In Toyland ⋅ June 29, 2017

Okay then, hope it goes well for you.

Lucretia June 29, 2017

Linda McCartney do a great range of vegan sausages (check the labels as some are only veggie), the red onion and rosemary ones are great and usually only £1 for a box of 6. Quinoa is also great for protein.

I consider myself a reductionist. I occasionally eat meat, but only from the most reputable sources i.e. local farms and butchers who can answer questions about where the meat is from, how it was fed, reared and killed. Dairy from one local farm, and my own eggs. I eat vegan 60% of the time. I couldn't do it 100% because of my IBS, but I figure 60% is better than 0%. I don't buy anything processed or that contains palm oil, and the palm oil thing is way harder than anything else as it's everywhere! I didn't get to this stage overnight, it's been a gradual reduction. I figure it all helps, and the more others see how healthy and happy you are without meat all the time the more likely it is that others will start to make a change too.

Bomb Shell June 29, 2017

That all sounds very delicious :o) I'm going to make stir fry for me and Dave tonight, with rice noodles and Quorn chicken so it's vegetarian, but I think the Quorn chicken has egg in it.

I assume it was all natural peanut butter, with no actual butter in it? I'm so jealous that you get to choose what you eat every day without your mother-in-law imposing, haha.

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ June 29, 2017

I don't think peanut butter ever has butter in it, it's usually just nuts, oil and salt. But I made this batch myself, so I know exactly what's in it. :)
I have to admit, I'm not really a fan of meat substitutes like Quorn chicken. I think I've got so used to eating "meat and two veg" that I've decided to try and make new foods from scratch. I don't mind the odd beanburger, but living with two chefs has helped me broaden my menu and become experimental. They both complimented me on my soup making skills the other day! I've been sneaking the odd veggie meal in front of the kids, I've nailed veggie curry and pasta sauce so far and my hummus is pretty darned good too!

Bomb Shell Babe In Toyland ⋅ June 30, 2017

And your grilled halloumi is one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted. Although I guess you won't be making that anymore if you're going vegan!

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ June 30, 2017

Ah cheers! Halloumi is SO delicious, mmm!

Loopy Hooky June 29, 2017

When I first went vegan I was very windy..
The wind has calmed down but be warned you WILL go to the bathroom at least once a day and it will be a lot looser than when you were eating meat and Dairy.

Babe In Toyland Loopy Hooky ⋅ June 29, 2017

Thanks. I notice you're in the same vegan group as me too. :)

Bomb Shell Loopy Hooky ⋅ June 30, 2017

Doesn't everyone go to the bathroom at least once a day?

Loopy Hooky Bomb Shell ⋅ June 30, 2017

No, I was every 3 days before turning vegan.
I posted a rather amusing screenshot of my Google search question "is it normal to poop several times a day when vegan" (of is)
I also goggled if it was normal to have more gas.

Babe In Toyland Loopy Hooky ⋅ June 30, 2017

Believe me, I've done my fair share of that today, haha!

Bomb Shell Babe In Toyland ⋅ June 30, 2017

Hmmm, every three days sounds unhealthy to me, I've always gone at least once a day, usually 15 minutes after waking up; it's like my digestive system wakes up 15 minutes after me. I

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