Katies Op in Soul Journey
- June 20, 2017, 10:19 a.m.
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I have taken a bit of liberty rabbiting on about Katie. So here is what has happened.
When she was born she had a hip dysplasia problem, which meant for the first months of her life she had to wear a leg brace across her thighs for her hips to be put right.
Well this year she is now 12, she started to complain about pains in her thighs and buttocks. Off to docs who promptly ordered an Xray. The brace was never completely successful and she had to see her original orthopaedic guy. He explained he needed to perform a Bi lateral Femoral Osteotomy. Which meant he would have to break both femurs, re-align her legs and hips. Hold them together with three screws, from the top of her hip into the bone of the legs, and two plates from her hips to her thighs to hold it all in placeā¦(Gulp)
The operation took place 6 weeks ago, and as I stated she still is not allowed to weight bear just yet. Yesterday he gave permission for her to stand with the aim of a zimmer frame and perhaps in another 4 weeks she will able to go on crutches. She will need a further op in about a year to remove the side plates.
So there you are. She has been wonderful and my prayer has been, please Lord no pain and she has not had any. They managed her initial pain with infusions into the hip of high doses of pain killers. She was on them for about a week. Then at home we slowly weened her off the heavy pain medication and onto Oesto of which now she only takes one in the morning and one at night. But next
week we will be down to one and then she will be totally drug free. It has been quite journey let me tell you.!
Last updated June 22, 2017
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