The Day the Devil Won in Maniacs, Prophecy, and Old Friends

  • May 20, 2017, 12:05 a.m.
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Do you know what the devil sounds like? His voice sounds like your own, or mine. But the things he says are things you never would have thought. I heard him once. Tell me what venture would be worth his time to show up personally instead of just sending the usual demons? Perhaps killing a great prophet and his future wife in their youth would be. A two for one special? He almost won. That’s the scary part. He almost got us both. If that had happened what would become of the future? Where would your girlfriend be right now? Nobody will ever believe it was the devil I heard that day. So I say something easier to understand: I didn’t want to go alone. But it feels like a lie because never before that did I considered taking you with me. I always told you that you couldn’t come where I was going. And then you’d say something that would convince me not to leave yet. After you were gone there wasn’t anything to look forward to anymore. My present was hell and I never stopped to notice my future shattering before my eyes. Maybe that was all you could see. Do you understand? Feeling horrible like you did that one day was how I felt everyday of my life at that time. You pulled me through. I’m ashamed I couldn’t do that for you. I will find a way to male it up to you. I have to. You need to understand what you meant to me. There’s no one else like you.

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