Always Unnecessary in meh...

  • May 13, 2017, 2:16 a.m.
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All I need is my inoperable van moved to the front of the apartment on the street. That’s all. How does it turn into a 3 ring circus?

I actually put out a call for help on Facebook and as per usual, if I don’t get radio silence, I get a bunch of questions with no offer for help. It. Is IRRTATING. So Karaoke Jay was one of the millions of questioners. He was then in my inbox and asking me stuff about why I’m holding on to the van, why don’t I get rid of it, it’ll cost about the same to get another one as it is to fix it. I hate when people talk to me like I don’t know stuff. Especially a well paid white male who doesn’t have the issues that I have and who likes to say, “I shouldn’t complain. I have a good life.” Even if I didn’t hemorrhage money because I’m trying to stay afloat, I still don’t make what he makes to just go out and buy a new/new to me car.

At any rate, Scott and a few of his friends are going to help me. I’m pretty sure he spun some horrid tale about me being a good friend who doesn’t have a lot. I mean I am, but it’s like don’t do that to me. Have these people looking at me like I’m missing limbs and being all fakely sympathetic. But he came through.

My uncle. The one that I swore to never talk to again, called me at work yesterday. He was pitching a sale on a vehicle for a Kingdom Hall member. She’s selling it for $250. She drives it to work and to home. Okay. I can do that on the bus. Someone was going to buy it and they took it to a mechanic and then decided that they didn’t want it. Red Flag much?? So I tell him I have way more to do than go from A to B. I have to visit my mother every week. I have stuff that could actually be tended to if I had a car. I could go grocery shopping in just one trip than to go 3 or 4 times in a weekend. Seriously. I could just up and move when I want to and not have to relegate myself to waiting. But you are offering me someone else’s problems for $250. Nah. I’m good. Then I’ll have two heaps in the back of the house.

I wasn’t even planning on ranting. I was going to write about random stuff that made me giggle. Like my cell phone alarm. Somehow, it is in a mode where it announces stuff. I will get a text and it announces the message sender and what the message is. Then I have to go in and say, “Read message” and so on and so forth. So when my alarm goes off it says, “Alarm. It Is 6 - 5 am.” I look at it and say how flipping remedial is that? The time is 6:05a. There is a whole number in the middle of that.

I didn’t want to rant.

I was thinking about Mother’s Day. My kids are old enough to do stuff for me but my daughter will be wanting to be pampered herself because she’s selfish. I will be brooding because I can’t do anything for my mother like I want to. I can’t even go and see her. I can hem this skirt she wants me to hem for her. I can do that. I will do that.

I’m also mad about the car thing because there were a few things that RJ did without me. Well, as I explained to my sister-in-law the other day, I reign being mad in when people do stuff without me. I can’t make them get into the mind to have to deal with me, pick me up and take me home. This is DESPITE & IN SPITE of the fact that I wouldn’t care if they needed to be picked up no matter where I lived and no matter where they lived. That’s just me though. However, if I start doing things alone, I get all sorts of hate mail about not being invited, not being asked or told plans. All the stuff I reign in when they do it to me. It’s cool. I’m getting back into this I have to do it myself mode. It’s a lonely existence, but it’s the world I live in. I have no true people around me for real. It sucks. I like the variety of people I know, but in essence, no one is true anymore.

At any rate…

Oh. I went to karaoke Sunday, at a place Karaoke Jay took me to, w/RJ. We went in and all was okay. I put my song in and then my lip started being funny. At some point I asked if there was a bump and she said it’s hardly noticeable. Okay. So I felt it spreading. I sang my song and sat back down and it had spread over my entire upper lip. We left and then I started feeling it in my lower lip. By the time I went to bed, both my lips were huge and swollen and tight and I was unrecognizable. I woke up at 2 something in the morning and I was completely unrecognizable as the area under my eyes were puffed beyond belief. This hasn’t happened to me in 20 something years. I was helping my kids father pull up and get rid of some wet carpet from his bedroom/basement apartment at his mom’s house. Same thing happened and I swore I turned into a monster. My daughter and grandson were giggling about me among themselves. Bastards. My son was sympathetic. That’s why I love him. I called in to work and said NO. WAY. I was not coming in to answer questions about what’s wrong. I started taking Benedryl. One every so many hours because two at a time is too much for me. By the afternoon I was reaching normality. By the time I went to work the next day, my top lip was still a bit chubby and my eyes still had a tired look to them, but otherwise I was fine. And now, I’m A-Okay.

::deep breath/exhale::

I think I’m more calm.

My BettyLady won’t be in today so I will have to fend for myself for lunch. Like I’ve been doing. I hop on the bus and go to one of the places up and down the street. yesterday I went to Walgreens because I had to get my grandbubby some allergy meds. I have to give him a breathing treatment as well so he can get back to breathing right.


Son got paid today. I can ask him to go to his job and get some furnace filters and a tub stopper. Yaaay!!

And that’s about it…
Happy Mother’s Day to those whom it applies.

Kindest regards,

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