Driving in Hello.

  • May 12, 2017, 10:11 a.m.
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I still hate driving. I passed my driving test 9 months ago now and I still get wound up if I need to drive anywhere. I’m fine driving around town and driving to the places I drove to on my driving lessons, but driving along country roads (of which there are a lot round here!) I hate. I also hate parking and leaving car parks. Driving on the motorway I’m also perfectly fine with!
People keep telling me it will get easier, but when?!
I’ve been determined all week to get to Rannerdale to see the bluebells, but the thought of the twisty, windy, predominantly single track road terrified me. Yesterday the weather was gorgeous and the flowers are on their way out, so I got home from work and told the girls we were going for a picnic before I changed my mind. I was fine! I really was! It was beautiful, I’m so glad I bit the bullet. There was loads of people there, even though it was about 6 pm. We had a lovely walk and got home at about 9pm. The girls went straight to bed.
Then today Rob and I were both off work, so we decided to go to a nearby animal park, again driving along country roads. It was fun, Rob especially loved the piglets who all came running over and rolled onto their backs for belly rubs!
Sunday I’ve agreed to take John’s sister to Carlisle train station, another situation I hate, driving in cities! I think I just need to get out and about more.

Last updated May 12, 2017

Waterfire May 12, 2017

I've been driving 13 years and I still hate car parks! I think there's stuff everyone hates about driving. I personally hate dealing with other drivers, the amount of times I've been threatened for * gasp * doing the speed limit... ugh.

Bumbly May 12, 2017

I'd agree everybody hates bits of it. Mark hates any road with no white lines down the middle so good that we've moved to a village haha

~Twinkle~ May 12, 2017

I don't like driving down single lane track type roads, was so glad Tom. did the driving when we went to ireland as there were many!

Seacláid May 12, 2017

Single track roads are the worst, never know what you're going to meet. Met a fire engine once. I used to hate multi lane roundabouts but got better with them in the last couple of years. Also, busy traffic when I'm looking for a specific turn off. People need more patience on the roads, not everyone knows where they are going!

Babe In Toyland Seacláid ⋅ May 12, 2017

You know, I used to hate looking for a turnoff too, but once I decided I wasn't going to let cars behind me bother me, it doesn't any more.

Lucretia May 13, 2017

Aw, who doesn't adore piglets! I wish you'd got photos. PIGGIES! :D

I found I was more calm if I had music on in the car. It took me about a year and a half before I wasn't a total wreck if I had to a. drive someone else somewhere, and b. drive through city roads I didn't know. I found with the latter a cheap second hand satnav was a big help.

Babe In Toyland Lucretia ⋅ May 13, 2017

I have a sat nav, lol!
There are photos of the piggies on my Facebook. :)

The Gaggle May 13, 2017

I am exactly the same with driving.
I'm pretty sure if I had started at 17, and not waiting until I was well into my thirties, things would be different... but driving anxiety is REAL!
Baby-steps. :)

Crystal Apple May 18, 2017

I've been driving for nearly 11 years now, and I still hate reverse (parallel?) parking. It's probably in the last 3 years I've become truly confident driving on the roads and trick for me was to suck it up and just do it! I wasted too much time overthinking stuff but after being put in a few situations where I had no choice but to drive it really helped me get on with it! As long as you practise road safety, you'll be fine. The people behind you can wait and if anyone gets the shits I give them a wave and a smile!

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