Cruising along in Just in Case
- April 18, 2017, 6:08 p.m.
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First, an update on my student - the 22 year old who hit her has moved out, the sex offender hasn’t. The police are still visiting and “some lady” that asked a lot of questions (I’m guessing DCFS) She was’t at school the last day before Easter break. That made me a little nervous, although she’s missed in the past on days like that. Now it’s a long Easter break waiting to see if she’s ok.
Easter was a fairly low-key event. Bubba’s step-daughter wasn’t there, so just Bell was (as far as little ones go - Rod was there, his foster son - who we count as family). So most of the egg hunting centered around Bell, but Tootie and Rod hunted, too, and got prizes. Rod helped in the kitchen, which we loved almost as much as him. (Little things, like opening the cranberry sauce. I gave him a can opener, then my mom handed him a butter knife to run around and cut the suction. Instead he found the multi-tool I had given him in his pack for Easter and drilled a hole in the bottom, lol) Bell spent most of her time shooting us with her bubble gun. She went through a large bottle of bubbles, lol. My sister’s ex-sister-in-law came (it was as odd and uncomfortable as you can imagine, but my sister loves her). Angel, Bubba’s step-daughter got upset that she missed Easter with us (according to him, not really sure how upset she was lol), so they are hosting another egg hunt this Sunday and some of us are going. Actually, the only ones I know are going are my mom and me. My sister and Tootie may or may not, they don’t always want to spend time with them. Cbaby will probably go with us if she’s home. My dad might even be talked into it. His anxiety medicine makes him so much easier to be around, but they don’t necessarily make him more sociable. Proof of the changes - We moved a recliner/love-seat on the back porch to pull up the area rug under it while my mom was asleep (we being Cbaby and me, while he whisper-yelled at us to stop before we hurt ourselves, lol, while sweeping up, Cbaby came up under a wall shelf and knocked several things over. Normally he would have lost it and blown up, instead, he (barely) made sure she was ok, then choked trying not to laugh. (She was fine, she’s got a head full of hair, so it didn’t do much.) It makes it easier not having to walk on egg-shells around him. It makes family time easier. Rod spent most of his free time with Cbaby, as normal, with their phones comparing…whatever they found so fascinating. But, he found me for a while outside, which he also usually does, and talked to me about school, his summer plans, and…new....the girl he likes and is trying to talk to. Now that Bubba is working a good job, and they are caught up on bills, things are better over there. Well, and the fact that Bubba usually works 75 - 80 hours a week, usually staying out of town, also helps. He’s got a work truck, so she has her car and money, so she’s happy.
When he was hunting eggs, Rod made Tootie hold her arm up as high as she could, and marked that as the highest he had to hunt (she’s about an inch or so taller than me, lol)
My monkey girl with her bubble gun. The hairy one is Bubba, lol. He’s given up on shaving, but honestly, I like him with the beard. At least it makes him look grown up. When he shaves, he looks 12.
This one was funny. Bear doesn’t love Angel, but he does Bell. However, he’s starting to feel his age a little (14/15 years old) and he was worn slap out when she left.
Two of my eggs hatched, and I was going to share those pictures, but Photobucket is being a pain in the tush. If you’re friends with me on facebook, you saw the pictures and the videos. The kids were so excited! (Ok, so I was too!)
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