Hycosy day in The ugly truth about making babies

  • April 5, 2017, 5:22 p.m.
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Had my hycosy today. Or HSG test if you prefer. Wasn’t as bad as I thought. A bit of a pinching pain as they passed the catheter through my cervix, a bit of pressure as they injected the dye, and a bit crampy for like 10/15 minutes afterwards. Coupled with the unpleasant sensation of feeling like I’ve wet myself as the gel/remnants of contrast came out. But to be fair nothing like as bad as I imagined and gives me confidence that I can actually get through egg retrieval and implantation if that’s as bad as the catheter in the cervix feels.

Positive news, my tubes are fine, everything looks fine. My bloods are ok. Joeys bloods are ok. His hormones are good. Which actually means that there’s nothing they can do in terms of medication but it conclusively brings us to ivf. And you know what, we knew it all along and we’re ok with that.

Slightly sickening to hear that we only get 2 attempts. They reduced from 3 attempts at the beginning of April. I don’t mean it to sound spoilt princessy but I know my dad would fund us for an attempt or two if we wanted and needed that. And I’ll be forever grateful to know that’s an option should we require it.

So our specialist nurse said our appointment in June with the consultant was kinda moot since we already know conclusively what treatment we need going forward. She’s going to pass our file under his nose and see if he’ll sign off to send the referral to Liverpool to start the process with them. We have to attend an ivf open day thing, there’s one in May which she’s hoping to be able to sign us up to. They give us a month after that to read through all the documents and consents and everything, apparently that’s a legal thing. Then once we’ve signed all that paperwork it’s basically a go go and we can start treatment on my next cycle.

We have a holiday booked the first two weeks in august so we would have to take it under advisement whether to start before or after that. I would imagine in terms of cycle dates it would be afterwards. Joey thinks they’ll think we’re taking the piss being referred then taking off on holiday but I feel like we didn’t know how long it was going to take to be referred and things and real life has to carry on in the meantime.

I also need to drop a bit more weight in the next month or so. Definitely not impossible but not altogether good fun. It’s a means to an end I suppose. The thing I find ironic, and I don’t mean to offend anyone here because by no means do I consider a bmi of 30/32 obese, but if I conceived naturally noone would bat an eyelid about my weight. I get it, the NHS is giving me like thousands of pounds of treatment for free. They want to protect their investment. But it smacks of being unfair and unjust compared to fertile couples. Just another hoop to jump through.


TrippyNina April 05, 2017

My sister went through that same crap with her "weight issue". I would never think of her as obese but she was advised to lose a few pounds before IVF.
Sounds like the wheels are in motion for you!! That's very exciting!

*moonglow* April 05, 2017

I totally get the bmi thing. We can't move forward until mine is under control. But like you say-means to an end. I am glad things are going forward xx

Glitter and Trauma *moonglow* ⋅ April 05, 2017

She actually rang us just after I posted this and we have our appointment with the consultant next Tuesday instead of June. Which is good news. Apparently they want to talk about sperm banking, I'm assuming the more samples we have the better, the few sperm in each sample will hopefully add up to a good amount. I just need someone to wire my jaw or walk around slapping food out of my hand I think! Xx

*moonglow* Glitter and Trauma ⋅ April 05, 2017

I want to pay someone to follow me around! Husband is too weak when I am having a bad day! That's good news, moving quicker is better x

The Tranquil Loon April 05, 2017

I agree on having to have weight loss and it being discriminatory. Glad your procedure was decent.!

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