Downsizing in A New Journey
- March 28, 2017, 10:47 a.m.
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I have spent the last 4 days really going thru all my JUNK in this little APT, I am getting things together for my garage sale in 2 weeks. I was so happy I already sold my TV entertainment stand and my Dresser and my kitchen Microwave stand, table with chairs to a good friend, and I get to keep them until I am ready to move in July to Wyoming.
I am getting things organized to Move to Casper, Wyoming with my daughter. I need to get OUT of this town, its so depressing living here. I just need a new Chapter of my life, some of you remember me that I was engaged to COWBOY for 6 years and I am so glad we never got married. I was tired of his drinking and his mockery of my son Rocket. HE never had anything good to say about his own kids or mine, SO one day I woke up and realized this is not what I want to live with the rest of my life. SO one night we go into huge fight/argument, and of course it was about my youngest son Rocket, he kicked me out. I moved in with my BBF for a while then I moved into a woman shelter as things were not good between me and her. THAT is a story I will share, she is the mom I have mentioned about her not caring for her own girls.
SO I am so excited to move out of TEXAS! I am ready for a new change. I am tired of people using me for their own good.
SO I am selling all my stuff and I will just start all over again. I don’t mind that. I do love shopping for new things often. BUT one thing I am so sad is I have to sell my bed, I paid over 2400 for it and its a heavy SUCKER (forgive me for that word). I can’t afford to move it to Wyoming. SO I will just sell it. I was so proud of my self for paying it off on my own and it was actually my very first piece of furniture that I wanted and I paid it off on my own.
SO going thru all my stuff is sad but also seeing all this stuff makes me wonder why do I even hold this stuff. I finally thru away a lot of my old pictures of my 1st husband pictures, Don’t understand why I kept them. I had them hidden well but it was a relief its thrown away, actually burned.
SO I am still organizing my stuff, I can’t to see my apt looking almost empty once I get ready to move out of here.
Well today its Cloudy and misty, it was sprinkling when I went to get my ladies up, so I guess its a pot of beans day for Rocket and I will continue going thru all my medicine closet and towels.
Have a great day folks
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