Farewell, Bang Bang Bruce. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
- Jan. 27, 2014, 10:34 p.m.
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It's like learning a dying family member is about to pass away, and trying only to remember the good times. I actually tried to write this on OD, but predictably, the site timed out. So, much like my maternal grandfather, I never got to say goodbye.
I still remember my first year on OD, circa late 2001, when Emily and I would noteflirt on other people's diaries just to piss them off. I remember before I realized I wasn't writing about myself at all, like a mental block. I remember so many people that I've met on OD, a sentiment shared by many. I remember the Dan who inspired BIGGAYDAN, who turned out to be just someone making shit up for attention. The irony.
OD probably saved me from myself. It gave me a sandbox to play in.
I will miss the ease of finding old entries. But perhaps it is for the best to leave the past in the past. I will always write. But I will always treasure what that site did for me. Good bye, old friend.
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