Upwards in Hello.

  • March 15, 2017, 7:44 p.m.
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Rob is still getting better. He has stopped working in the hotel round the corner, as the owner has closed the restaurant until the tourist season starts. She has a good reason to, but I don’t really want to write about it here as a don’t know all the facts. He is doing regular hours at Brewer’s Fayre, he’s not loving it, but not hating it. He’s getting his head down and doing a good job by the sounds of things. I got talking to one of my customers the other day, who also works at BF, and she said what a lovely young man Rob is, so he’s obviously making an impression!
He’s happy that he’s earning anyway and he’s planning on paying us back as quickly as possible. He’s only been out twice since he moved back in with us and hasn’t bought any clothes. I’ve told him we will support him as much as is physically possible!
I’m trying to get him out and about on his days off, and he’s happily obliging, realising that sitting in his room on his X Box with the curtains drawn isn’t any good for his mental health. He does play on it, but tends to bring it downstairs to play Minecraft with the girls. Today we went on a bike ride, about 8 or 9 miles and not very hilly, so not too bad. I think I overestimated his fitness levels however, as he said his chest was burning and he was really out of breath. I thought he was really ill and contemplated ringing my dad to come collect him, but it turns out he’s just really unfit, haha! He did really well considering this time 6 weeks ago, he was on oxygen and it took him all his strength to sit up in bed!
I’m rather enjoying living with two chefs, although Rob deliberately likes to wind up John and John keeps biting and getting angry. I have to leave the room when they get going!
It’s not long until my charity sky dive. Next month! Right now I’m looking forward to it, not sure how I’ll feel in a month’s time.

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