:( Hope it saves this time in Just in Case

  • Jan. 27, 2014, 10:56 a.m.
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Now Prosebox won't save entries?? :( :( :( We're back to school tomorrow...at least for a day. They are saying that we may get more snow Monday night and Tuesday (we're in the window of minor accumulation). I'm really hoping this doesn't affect school. We need to go to school. It's really going to mess up my plans if we miss again. I wasn't there, but my dad met Annabelle this afternoon. He had blustered to me that he wasn't going to hold her. He said he didn't hold babies that little. As you can see, they were able to convince him:  photo DaddyandBelle_zps54fbe927.jpg

Bubba is working. it's not great paying, but it's better than nothing. He heads back tomorrow. Tootie aslo met Belle and for all her bluster about not caring, she fell head over heels in love. Belle is getting so big already.  photo Belle_zps74776dae.jpg

terriberri January 27, 2014

she's so pretty!!!! how can anyone not want to just snuggle her!??

dream seeker terriberri ⋅ January 27, 2014

I know!! She's just the most precious thing ever! :D

Small Town Girl January 28, 2014

Crazy they shut school down for that little dusting of snow you got! LOL Awe they grow too fast!

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