TS4: Vampires in The Sims

  • Feb. 1, 2017, 7:30 p.m.
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I am really enjoying the Vampires game pack for The Sims 4. I definitely think these vampires are more fleshed out than in previous series. There is so much more substance to these vamps compared to the ones in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3. I liked the previous vamps but in TS3 they kind of threw a lot of Twilight crap into the TS3 Supernatural. TS2 vampires were much better.

But they’ve even improved from TS2. My favourite part is their hissing. Some of them hiss uncontrollably. In CAS they growl and hiss which after awhile just sounds SO silly but makes you giggle. Even Matt couldn’t not giggling. I was taking a long time to create my vampire so we got a very good dose of hissing and growling. I would definitely recommend this pack!

This is Belladonna Blackbyrne. She's not a very old vampire but she's not young either. She's new to Forgotten Hollow (the new vampire town that came with the pack).

All her outfits.

Now the vampires are neat because they have this "dark form" that you can turn on or leave them looking human. When they are feeding from other Sims the dark form will also appear. This is Belladonna's "dark form." There are a lot more choices. This is pretty mild.

This is another Sim's dark form, as you can see the faces can be quite different.

Bella Goth is Belladonna's best friend. They'd already become best friends before I realized their names are the same (the first part anyway). I decided to do something different and make the image a black & white photo. The lighting at Goth Manor is very yellow and I didn't like it.

Belladonna's house in Forgotten Hollow.

The inside of Belladonna's house uses mostly decor from the new GP. This is her living room and dinning room followed by the library upstairs.

This is what the plumbob looks like for vampires.

Belladonna heading to bed in her coffin.

When vampires hibernate their coffin has swirling purple smoke coming out of it.

I adore the very cute bats that vampires can turn in to. You have to gain that skill though, it's not innate to any vampire.

As a vampire Bella enjoys listening to and playing the pipe organ.

A vampire doesn't have to sleep if it doesn't want to. To gain vampire energy they can simply do some Dark Meditation to fill that need. This is Belladonna's engaging in some Dark Meditation. She's at the Von Haunt Estate in Widenburg. I redecorated this lot.

A vampire needs to feed but there are several choices. Of course you can feed from other Sims by either asking them or commanding them (which can negatively affect your relationship).

You can hypnotize them to get a drink as well.

They can order blood packs made of out of Sim, frog, or fish blood. You have to have a certain skill level in Vampire Lore. For some reason there are 15 levels of this skill instead of the normal 10. I imagine that might be a glitch.

The last source is plasma fruit which grow on the plasma fruit tree. It does glow with plasma veins at night which is a very nice touch and spooky.

Another new plant is the sim version of the Venus Flytrap, it's called the Siaxm Mosquito Trap. Siaxm is the place where aliens come from.

Sometimes, unfortunately, when Belladonna feeds the victim can pass out.

Vampire Sims have a different tombstone than normal Sims.

When vampires fight it doesn't hurt their relationship because they "spar" to show off their skills, powers, and level of vampire. The affects are cool.

As has become the custom vampires cannot stay in the sun too long or they burn and die.

To normal Sims these just look like ordinary garlands of garlic. To a vampire Sim though they look like toxic waste with that green stink that surrounds them. I couldn't understand at first and thought the garlic had gone bad but when I played the household the garlands looked normal. Took me a bit to figure it out! It also makes vamps sick to be around them.

This is the town square in Forgotten Hollow.

There is someone who looks over Forgotten Hollow. His name is Count Vladislaus Straud IV and he lives in a very large estate that overlooks the little hamlet.

Vlad enjoys skulking around his underground tomb. He's not terribly well liked around the village. He's also the boss in a mafia type family so criminal + creepy skulking vampire = outcast. He does have his dashing butler to keep him company though.

The last photo has nothing to do with TS4 Vampires but it was the first time my Sim got a blue space slug with four eyes. I want one!

That's it for now! Until next time, happy simming!

Last updated February 14, 2025

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