The waiting game in The ugly truth about making babies

  • Jan. 27, 2017, 5:08 a.m.
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So Joey did his thing on Wednesday. Said it was fine. Although he did just have to go to the men’s toilets in the reception of the hospital. I think down the line this might be something I have to write a letter to someone about. When you consider how many patients are treated at our hospital, how many couples must be asked to submit a semen sample by their gp, given that it’s the first test undertaken for all couples who think they’re experiencing infertility, it’s astounding that there is no provision for them.

He had a phone call yesterday saying he needs a phone consultation with his doctor about the test, the earliest one they could book for him was next Wednesday. Could be that they couldn’t process the sample, when he dropped it off the woman said she wasn’t sure his doctor had given him the right pot for the sample.

It could also be the results. I’m assuming that because you have to book an appointment to drop the sample off they process it straight away due to temperature constraints and things. They did say the results would be back in a week but that’s usually how long it takes doctors to wade through the results they get back for their patients. Joeys practice is a smaller practice and he never usually has to wait for anything.

It’s weird cos I feel so nervous even though he’s been tested before so we know what to expect. I guess my biggest fear is that because it was so low last time that it’s even worse and he has no sperm at all. Or that we get to the women’s hospital and it’s so low that they can’t salvage enough to fertilise one of my eggs.

I’m not being dramatic or over cautious here either, his count really was that low. I think it should be around 20 million (of whatever unit they measure in) and his was 0.5 million. I just have to keep positive that medical science can do incredible things these days. I think in that case we would be more likely to be offered ICSI where they inject an individual sperm directly into the egg to give you the best chance of fertilisation.

I can’t remember the last time I felt so anxious all the time. And it’s silly because it’s literally a case of riding the process, following the advice of our doctors and keeping our fingers crossed. I’m just one of those control freak people who likes to be in control all the time. I think if I prepare for the worst, or at least for things to be difficult and not go our way, I’ll either be prepared or pleasantly surprised and things won’t come as as much of a shock.


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