Touchy touchy! in Stuff
- Jan. 26, 2017, 2:57 p.m.
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Man, that last entry touched a nerve with some people. All I was doing was whinging about people whinging cos it’s all people seem to do these days, and then I get whinging comments on top of that lol!
Look, I write to get my thoughts down. I get that not everyone will agree with everything I have on my mind, but patronising me isn’t going to do anyone any favours nor solve any conflict. I’m not an American so I don’t have a clue about the ins and outs of American politics. Maybe Trump is right about the media being completely out to get him. Maybe he’s a whinger too.
I was talking about all the protests here in Australia to do with Australia Day/Invasion Day/Whatever-the-fuck-doesnt-offend-you-Day. It happens every year but this year seemed to be especially full-on. Turning the TV on this morning I see people rioting and clashing with police in the streets.
I’m all about celebrating the day for what it is -How proud I am to be Australian. A QLD (my state) stem cell research scientist was awarded the Australian Of The Year Award, which was nice to see. Yeah the history sucks and I like a lot of the other comments I read. I agree with the note along the lines of “I wasn’t around when all this went down, but I’m sure as hell made to feel like I was.” - right, on!
Fuck me. It’s only my view. I meant nothing personal by it. Don’t like what I write, it’s not hard to turn your eyes to the right or left or hit the little ‘x’ in the top corner of your browser’s.
I only aim to provide a smile to someone every single day in one way or another but yesterday I felt like I got stampeded by all those protesters 😅
Deleted user ⋅ January 26, 2017
I just say we pull our dicks out and see who's is bigger, lol.
crunchie ⋅ January 26, 2017
I don't really have an opinion as I'm not an indigenous Australian but don't think I'd mind either way if the day was changed as long as it stays in summer. May 8 is a way too cold time of the year to be celebrating all things that make us Australian though :) I have a feeling once Australia becomes a republic (whenever that will be) the day will change to celebrate this.
KissOfLife! crunchie ⋅ January 26, 2017
Yeah maybe! The republic debate is an entirely other kettle of fish lol.