Australia Day in Stuff

  • Jan. 26, 2017, 12:24 p.m.
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Ergh, protest everywhere today, so I saw on the news. People just feel the need to step up on their soapboxes. Yeah, sure, some will always see it as ‘Invasion Day’. One of my housemates posted a photo of him in a friend’s pool with the caption, “Happy invasion day, whites.”
Kind of a bit blunt, but he’s not wrong.

My view on it is that if Australia wasn’t invaded by the English, I simply wouldn’t exist. Neither would any of the people protesting. Kevin Rudd offered the apology to the aboriginal people when he was our Prime Minister, and it was a long time coming, and it was very touching. I remember Kevin Rudd saying how nervous the aboriginal elders were when they turned up at Parliament House not all that long ago. I think that was also on Australia Day.
I’d love to hear the views of Aboriginal people on what they think of Australia Day.
People want the date of Australia Day changed. Some have suggested ‘May 8th’ (because it sounds like ‘Mate’).
I don’t really care if the date changes or not. If it does change, then January 26th will be known as ‘Invasion Day’ as ‘Australia Day’s replacement.
January 26th is when Australia was ‘discovered’. And invaded. And whatever else.

Anyway, I just got annoyed at all the people protesting in the streets, in every capital city. And this is only a day or two after all the Women’s rights marches and the bazillions of ‘I-hate-Trump’ marches that have happened and are happening. I’m feeling all marched out just fucking hearing about it all! Fuck people, just like Brexit, you voted it in!
I mean, I know I sure as hell wouldn’t have voted for him if I were American, and I know that most people didn’t. I’ll never understand that ‘Electoral Collage’ or whatever it is and how someone can lose the presidency despite having over 3 Million votes more. No wonder people are pissed off.
My last political shit rant, I can’t believe the wall is actually being built! What the fuck?
And then I read today that Trump could be bringing in something to do with Visas for Australian’s where we have to have an in-person interview to even enter the country.
Welp, looks like it’ll be at least 3 years until I visit. I’d prefer the USA not to have an Oompa-Loompa in charge.

I had to work today, and it went pretty okay. I was behind from the get-go as soon as I arrived because apparently there was a fire evacuation at work last night and they were outside for ages, so they left a lot of the work behind for me to do. Woohoo, not.
So I’ll be behind all this week again, but I didn’t let it get to me and just focused that I was actually earning half-decent money for once. You know, what normal people earn every day, I have to wait for a public holiday to get :P

I’m loving the tennis! It’s like reminiscing because both the Williams sisters are in the final, and Federer just won his match. Now to just wait and see who wins out of Dimitrov and Nadal! If it’s Nadal, I’ll feel like I’m 19 all over again watching those 4 players in the final!
But maybe Dimitrov will shake things up a bit - find out tomorrow night.

I forget to pack a fresh singlet in my bag so when I got to the gym after work, I realized I couldn’t do a workout because I sure as hell wasn’t working out in my long-sleeved work shirt. I had the shorts but not the shirt. Doh!

Perpetually Plump January 26, 2017

Dude. Slaves were greed a century and a half ago (nearly) in the US and we still hear about oppression and what my people did to their people. My people came from Scotland and Ireland not but three generations ago. We came as slaves, ourselves, so get off my back. And countries invade other countries. It's what they do. Look at Korea. Or Taiwan. Or Mexico. Or the Philippines. People invade and treat the original folks like shit. All the time. (granted, some of the programs heaped upon the aboriginals were absolutely awful). I'm so tired of everyone screaming about everything being an injustice.

whowhatwhere January 26, 2017

Oh the white guilt over things that we had no control over. It's not MY fault but everyone sure tries to make into my fault.
I do feel white guilt since I had family come to the USA in the early 1600's. At least I don't have the guilt of my ancestors owning slaves. They all stayed up north. Whew!
What gets me is the government is STILL screwing over the natives here, that is so not right. I think that should be the focus, the present and not the long ago past we had nothing to do with.
The whole Australia day is part of the history of your country, and invasions have happened all over the world for thousands of years. And you are right, if it hadn't happened where would you, or most of the people protesting be right now?

Perpetually Plump whowhatwhere ⋅ January 27, 2017

You do realize that northerners owned slaves, too, right? It wasn't just the south...

DeadAir January 26, 2017

Electoral college works to make votes from rural communities equal to those of large cities. for example Queensland gets 1 vote, and New South Wales gets 1 vote for president regardless if 1 million people in QL vote for trump and 3 million in NSW vote for Hillary. So more people voting for hillary doesn't matter unless you are not a supporter of democracy and think the votes of those in smaller communities shouldn't matter.

Also, Im not Aussie but I've followed some of the controversy regarding the Australia day sign that was up? The one with the Muslims on it. It was shameful. All over the world cultures are being destroyed in favor or what? Backwards ideologies and religious supremacy. If there had been 2 guys in Nazi uniforms on the sign would that have been ok? The only difference is hypocrisy.

There is a similar problem in this country currently with aboriginal leaders. Seems 100 years ago they were mistreated by "white society" so now there is a national campaign for apologies and demands for special treatment. What about responsibility? They had leaders at the time who failed them, they had a community at the time that didn't stand up for itself. Didn't demand better treatment. Its funny how all these 2nd rate cultures like to pass their own failings off onto whites yet you never see that in places like India where they fought for independence and took responsibility for their destiny.

Also do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Needing a visa or an interview to enter america? do you drive a car without applying for a licence? do you fly without a passport? Nations have borders for a reason, expecting people to meet a standard before entering your country is not even remotely unreasonable. After the people who were killed after Christmas when a Muslim drove over them in your own nation you should you open your eyes to the realities of our modern world.

KissOfLife! DeadAir ⋅ January 26, 2017

I live in on an island continent, of course I know that. Our border patrol is ruthless here, many people are dying at sea. The media isn't even allowed to say when/if boats arrive, and don't even get me started on the horrific conditions in offshore detention centers. I was simply pointing out that it seems Trump is targeting anyone who isn't American. No wonder he wants to get along with Putin.
The Aborigines had to try and fight against English guns and weapons with whatever they had, which I assume was probably makeshift spears. I don't see how they could have stood up for themselves. It would have been horrific genocide.
You're right, it is hypocrisy. I thought the signs with the Muslims was absolutely beautiful and that people need to shut the fuck up and mind their own business. They weren't doing any harm.
And I hate to tell you, but that didn't happen in my nation.

crunchie DeadAir ⋅ January 26, 2017

Yes you are incorrect, I live in Melbourne, no Muslim ran over those innocent people, a drug fuelled idiot did.

Swanny January 26, 2017

My heart hurts for the stolen generation and every generation since. The displacement, slavery and abuse their families endured is heartbreaking. Maybe if our great country used Australia Day to recognize their courage and sacrifice in making this great nation there would be less protests and more unity. My 2 cents :)

KissOfLife! Swanny ⋅ January 26, 2017

Yeah 😊 How hard would that be? I wish the Aboriginal flag was more readily available in stores like the Aussie one is.

Swanny KissOfLife! ⋅ January 26, 2017

I feel like the label "invasion day" is a very negative statement and I'm not sure that it's a message I can get behind. To me it feels like it's promoting racism. Us vs Them.

I wish their protests were of a more positive nature; for inclusion in our constitution and recognition of their role in our history.

I guess it's a difficult ask though because that acknowledgement could open the government up to all sorts of lawsuits.

Rerrin Swanny ⋅ January 30, 2017

Perhaps Invasion Day is only called that because for non-indigenous Australians it's a day of celebration. I wonder if the date was changed whether it would still be called that.

Personally, I wish January 26th was more treated like Remembrance Day. A solemn occasion to recognise the loss of those first Australians and the injustices of the past, regardless of how those injustices came to be.

I think May 8 would be hilarious to celebrate Australia Day on, but any other date would do. At the end of the day, people love a public holiday and a party, and what's more Australian than that?

Swanny January 26, 2017

This gave me a giggle re: Trump/Mexico Wall


KissOfLife! Swanny ⋅ January 27, 2017

That's fascinating! :)

QueSeraSera January 26, 2017

I have no issues with the continuing of protests. We need to take it to another level in getting into the legislature to do something! Let it continue !

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