1-7-17 in Second 1st

  • Jan. 8, 2017, 12:58 p.m.
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Forgot to tell you something yesterday. It’s really so funny I can’t believe I forgot. So… in the top of my lunchbox I keep tampons and pads. Everyone knows they are up there. Of course they are for my personal use but I’m a great rescuer in cases where someone starts a day early or thought she had some and didn’t. Well yesterday morning apparently after refilling it because it’s my turn to need them I went to work as usual. Right before the bell rang to start shift I felt a huge need for chap stick. No problem, it’s in the bag but when I went to shut the bag tampons went flying everywhere. It was an explosion for real. I turned red, we all had a giggle, great way to start the day.

Today we got reminded that we are on E-Code days. These days pretty much if you want to leave early you can.... you just tell them you want to leave. Don’t want to come in? cool, not gonna count against you (other than less pay obviously). I think I may go home early tomorrow. Like at 3 or 5 o’clock break, depending on the job he’s got me doing really. Not because I need to, or really have a reason.... just that… well they all left me Friday, I want to leave them. Dumbest reason ever. LOL

Crazy happened today. Not normal crazy like busy but nuthouse crazy. Amanda at work is very off. She says some really strange things sometimes. She has some kind of social disorder and doesn’t know when enough is enough. I mean no one cares that she has IBS and one time she was looking at her buthole in a mirror and one of her cats came to check out what she was doing so she stop because she was afraid the kitty would want to lick it. .... that kinda stuff. Today she seemed normal enough. I do like to talk to her sometimes but/ and because she knows a little about all things and I wanted to talk about what my be good in my shop. She suggests that I take up knitting or crochet. She suggested I get one of these: Stitch n’ Bitch: The Knitter’s Handbook. I’m thinking more like this Knitting For Dummies. Anyways not so important.... Crazy here…
So at … maybe 4:30 she wrote a sentence on a box that spread quickly and Jerry (boss guy) had to talk to her. She left at the 5 o’clock break crying. I don’t feel bad for her really because… well the sentence was as follows: I eat babies for breakfast and I eat toddlers for a morning snack. Many of the people in our department have young children.... and Nicole who is currently pregnant with her fourth… It did not go over well.

William dumped a bit of heartfelt worry on me. I love it when he opens up to me about life outside of work. He told me that him and his wife had been fighting lately. They got into a huge blow up the other day in which she had said “I have a gun and I will shoot you with it” in front of his kids. I don’t know what to tell him. She obviously needs some kinda help. When they talked it out she wanted to blame William.... he has PTSD and with good cause (seriously shot in Afganistan, had to defend himself too). She wants him to go talk to someone, basically that it’s his fault he needs to go fix it. I suggested that they go to couples counseling because from here it sounds more like the crazy is on her side and maybe it will red flag all over the place in front of a professional. Also, that I have noticed behavioral changes in him when something small happens to upset him at work. He’s not himself the whole rest of the day and maybe, just maybe talking to someone wouldn’t be such a bad idea. It’s just talk after all. He doesn’t have to get meds and take them. Just talk. I do love him ever so much and if his wife is concerned then so am I..... just don’t think she should have waited to a point where she wanted to threaten his life before talking about treatment for an issue he may not even notice.

K that is all, um wait.... nope… Marco wants to go out after work… not sure that will happen. We will see.

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