Three - Joshua. in A Life Uncommon

  • Jan. 23, 2014, 7 a.m.
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My Joshua,

It is desperately hard to believe that three whole years have passed me by since you were born. You have grown from the tiny, perfectly round baby into a skinny toddler with a love for Thomas the Train and an absolute dislike of vacuum cleaners. Oh, sweet boy.

You have my attitude, and it shines through you. I hope you use it for good, little boy. I hope you channel it and use it for determination. Don't let anyone tell you can't do something in life. You can, and you will, as long as you put your mind to it.

Now, this doesn't mean you are guaranteed success. It doesn't mean you are permitted to do as you please. There are still rules to follow, models to perform. But you, can be anything. do anything. Know that.

You have become so many brilliant things already! Your love for trains has blossomed, and your imagination has taken off! I love hearing you set up your train tracks and play on the floor, making stories up as you go. And you are a wonderful big brother to Gavin (mostly). You share, and encourage him, and always rush to be the one to greet him after naptimes. I am so glad you two are close in age, because he is going to need his big brothers to guide him through life. Don't look now, Josh, but you might just end up being Gavin's very best friend.

You're a fantastic little brother, too! Nicholaus and you have created a very special bond, and it melts my heart to watch you two play or cuddle together. Please, please never stray from that. Never lose that love for your siblings - they are important to have in life!

You love singing me songs, and we sing ALL DAY LONG. ABC's, the potty song, Itsy Bitsy Spider...any song about anything makes you happy! I love that. You really are always so happy!

You are polite and considerate. It warms my heart to hear you say, "Oh, THANK YOU," in your voice, because it is so full of sincerity.

You go to the doctor next week, so I'll update your official stats then....But you're growing. Growing and growing. I cannot believe it.

I almost dread another year passing. Soon you'll be in school, and the thought makes me sad. I love spending time with you boys, and I love watching you grow!

Please, stay happy. Stay smiling. Stay brilliant, and amazing, and kind.

Stay Joshua. That's what I love - when you are YOU.

Love always, Mama.

Fabulous Jarred January 23, 2014

This was touching.

Life.Uncommon Fabulous Jarred ⋅ January 23, 2014

Thank you. :)

Sagittarienne January 23, 2014

gosh. werent you just mailing me his birth announcement like yesterday?!

Soulslulluby January 25, 2014

Happy birthday, Joshua!

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