678 (what we did yesterday) in Second 1st

  • Jan. 5, 2017, 4:49 a.m.
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The house is freezing this morning. Granted the weather app I have on my phone says it’s snowing, I’m not looking. That my friends would require me to open the door and freeze more. I am concerned though. Our heater seems to be struggling.

After moving into this house we got a local company to look over our water, heater, and electric systems. Electric was great (except half a plug in the bed room that doesn’t work), Heater was ehh. Recommended to replace it in 2-3 years, it’s 22 years old and well past it’s expected expiration date but still puts out heat and cool are. Also, is performing under par and needs a part (175 bucks) before we start kicking on the A/C. Water, not well at all. Old rotting pipes. Lots of dangers for bursting. We decided to go ahead with a one day project replacement and got a Home Improvement loan to do it.(side note: Rocky’s 93 yr old grandmother died that day) Well, that’s done. Now the heater is building up ice on the outside. This is no bueno. Whenever the days are warm enough we have been turning it off and yesterday Rocky decided we’d purchase a couple space heaters to help out because it seems to be running all the time. I’ve turned it down to 65F (18.3C) but it’s going to be high 20s (-3.3–1.7) most of this weekend. A house fire is the worst that could happen but other than turning it off when we can, there is not much I can do.

Made a list while I was waiting for my self imposed noise ban to be lifted. It’s a list of things around the house that need to be done as soon as we can get to them I will follow each thing with a short explanation:
Magnets - recently picked up (5) a package of sheet magnets to frame photos with for the fridge, now have 9 sheets I don’t need and as soon as I come up with something to make I’ll add whatever I come up with to my shop.
Re-Organize Kitchen Counter- I’d like my crock pot, coffee maker, rice cooker, food bag sealer, and toaster to all remain on the counter but there is only one plug and there is not enough room if I have to move things to plug them in. I have a surge protector strip to go up there but Rocky got all stupid about water on the counter and whatever. As if I just go around splashing shit with water. He mounted the strip on the wall anyways. I didn’t care either way but I have space no so this is done. :)
Verify CD’s on table - small pile had developed of CD’s I’m not sure I ripped into my collection. Got most of that done but there is not a pile on my desk of CD’s that would not scan:(
Fix chairs - did not expect to even look at that yesterday, wrote it down as a reminder. Our dinning room set is like 100+ years old and the chairs need re-wicked. In a they are not currently usable way.
Dishes - not normal dishes, mom bought me a bunch of containers at Christmas and they just sat in a box, got this one done too.
Laundry- I was constantly one load behind. Doing just one a day in the morning. Fixed.
Sweep Laundry Room- This was a super simple one I had on there to make myself feel better lol. The cat had cat litter all over and it was needed terribly bad.
Hang TVx2 - We have 2 Tvs now. Both flat both have wall hangers and designated places but neither have been hung :(
Sort and set up game systems - this is my I’m Nagging item that I just know Rocky’s tired of hearing about. You think he’d have it done if he’s so tired of hearing it.
Printers- We have 2 Printers, they need to be set up so we can make sure they work, get ink, toss if they don’t....
Find the Leopard!- I expected while doing the other things I/we would find it.
Log DVD’s Somewhere - I have attempted to do this like 3 other times but Rocky refuses to help and it turns out more work than I can handle all at once. That is what we ended up doing yesterday.

So Rocky got up and asked what I was doing today. I told him to see the list in the kitchen. He looked over the list and went to hunting down the Leopard....... the one thing on the list that would distract me from doing anything else on the list. He found it but I kept working. We got a few of the easier things done and ended up spending most of the day logging DVDs. I still have to go through boxes and make sure there aren’t doubles in the list (predicting about 12 doubles) but current total of movie and TV Series is 678. He will by more and it is my goal to finish this project before he does. I will be working on that today. Keep the art, toss the plastic..... I’d like to keep nice boxed sets in the boxes....

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