12-31-16 tad ranty about phone calls in Second 1st

  • Dec. 31, 2016, 6:54 a.m.
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I don’t go back to work till the 6th because I work weekend shift (12 hr/Fri. Sat. Sun.). My alarm went off this morning .... and yesterday morning for that matter and I’ve turned it off and rolled over waking up again just in time to make Rocky something to eat. I decided that is not how it needs to go this morning. There are prospects of company/and/or an outing this evening as it’s New Years Eve and I happen to still know a few people who like to throw parties (hard to believe at 36). I will likely take a nap at some point to ensure I’ll be able to be up till 2 or so… if I decide to go out. I don’t know. I don’t really care and my body is being a huge issue this morning.

I got up started coffee, loaded cloths, unloaded dishes and suddenly had to be super still. My back ached so bad… my stomach an extreme case of nausea. I sat and thought both away. Just be still. The back feels better, but the nausea keeps returning. Loaded dished, pulled out some fish to fix for Rocky.... nausea, sit, better. Hang a load of laundry, contemplate a second load of hanging, move cloths to the dryer, fix coffee.... nausea. Take coffee to computer room, sit, type.... nausea.

Hope this gets better of there will me no drinking for me, “IF” I manage to go somewhere, or have someone over.

Sammy did not come over yesterday and before Rocky left last night we had a disagreement about how I handle my phone and the real world: If you call and I don’t know your number I will not answer it. If you leave a message and I know you I will call you right back (after I hear the message). Just because it’s a convenient time for you doesn’t mean it is for me. I seriously don’t like social interaction I’m not ready for. Rocky had told Sammy to call me before he came out. I assume he would do that and/or leave a message “I’m on my way”. They are still like 45 mins from here so my lack of a response should not have effected his leaving. I simply would have texted him back saying “see you in a bit, don’t get lost” or something. Rocky doesn’t “do” messages. If he calls someone and it goes to voicemail he hangs up. He assumes that whoever it is on the other side can’t talk right now, so he calls back 15 mins later, an hour later.... and then just forgets about it all together. I call someone they don’t answer I leave a message on their voicemail that Rocky laughs at because it sounds like I’m talking to them. I am talking to them. “Hey, I was wondering if X or if it would be ok if Y instead, let me know before __time here, so that I can X or Y without issues” I may send a text when it’s closer to __time but generally I get a call that tells me only what I need to know and I don’t spend an hour talking about things I don’t need to know. It works for me like this because businesses generally work the same. Business calls me, leaves a message, I determine if I need to call them based on the message and call them back prepared for a conversation about whatever it is they called about. Usually that’s Navient and student loans so I don’t call them back because if I’m late enough for them to call me then I’m about to make a payment and I just need to do it, not talk to someone about it. If it’s my boss, he’s left a message from time to time. I get back with him in a timely matter and all is well. Then again I usually answer his calls cause I know who it is…

Anyway, apparently I don’t have Sammy’s phone number and I had 2 Nashville numbers call me yesterday… neither left a message, so.... Rocky was of the opinion that I should have answered and I of the viewpoint that he should have left a message. I said “It’s not going to steal your soul to leave a message Rocky” and up till the last bit of the conversation he was all “It’s not going to steal your soul to answer the phone when someone calls either”.... YES it will.... I mean not literally but why should I be the one made to feel stupid because I’m not ready to talk to someone. There are exceptions. I always answer when Rocky calls because he could need me for something, like seriously need me like “I broke down on the way to work” or “I’m going to work over an hour” these things would change my day, or his dramatically if I was unaware of them. Not such an issue if I know of them. I answer for Destiny, sometimes, because I know she’s likely to just really want to talk to me. I mean there is literally nothing I can do for her from here (I’m in TN she’s in MI) so as soon as I see it’s her I asses what I planned on doing for the next hour and decide if that can be moved done while talking or ignored completely, then pick up or not accordingly. She leaves messages. So I call back based on that. Sometimes I don’t call back.... like late night drunk dialing, but if she sounds like she’s been crying, excited, generally happy, upset and needs an ear, I call back A.S.A.P. I don’t even answer my mother’s, or my dad’s calls most of the time.


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