Yesterday and plans for today. in Second 1st

  • Dec. 28, 2016, 10:01 a.m.
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It’s 8:51am it’s actually very late for me. I’ve been getting up at 4am most days, it’s been later and later since this vacation started. I start my morning off with mundane household chores. It’s kinda sad that I currently enjoy these. These are a sign to me that we are on the right path, we are doing well. I wake up, get dressed, turn on the coffee that I set up the night before, throw in a load of washing and pull out the ones I dried yesterday, hang those (we don’t have a dresser yet but I have lots of closet space) and start a load of dishes. When Rocky works I make him food to be ready at 7:30ish but after that I’m just waiting to move the cloths to the drier and forget about them all day :). Then it’s all about planning food, cooking, doing the usual running.

Yesterday started out amazing.... let me tell you about this store.... Keith at work told me about it (he has 5 kids so anywhere he would shop has got to have deals). It’s called Gimme a $5. They buy a truck with overstock, returns, and out of season stuff and throw it in bins. They get a truck every 5 days and you get to dig through the bins to find good deals. You literally never know whats in there. The first day everything is 5 bucks, the next everything is 3, the third day everything is $1 and the last each item is .25. The closest one to us in in Lebanon. We went on a whim on a $1 day to check it out. Ended up getting a Vicks humidifier and a heating pad, each $1. A few other items I can’t remember but those alone are a value of $25 bucks. We went a second time earlier this month on a truck day and bought $50 worth of stuff. Rocky was buying things he thought we could sell. I’m honestly not happy about that but I got a few good things for the house we totally needed: 2 door mats (5), a doorbell (5), and a silicone oven mit (5). I told my mother about the store when I had to babysit a few weeks ago and we planned to go on the next truck (27th). Rocky decided he didn’t want to go. I understand he’s mad about his awful buys last time and was afraid to make another horrible mistake. You see we learned a big lesson last time. Rocky got a drone(5) but he hadn’t opened it before we left the store and when he pulled it out at the house to play with it .... well there was only a remote in there. It was one of the things he bought that I didn’t care for so much. He was saying he would sell it for 40 somewhere else easily. That was 5 wasted but a valuable lesson (which I passed on to mom of course).

Anyways, mom came over at just after 7 and we headed out. She bought me a drink and a McMuffin at McDonald’s (felt great that I had a coupon for a free breakfast sandwich with the purchase of one) and we were off. We had to make one other stop for gas and got there about 15 mins after they opened. It was very busy and I had to kinda reprimand my mother a few times because she was being far too slow. The thing is you identify things as quickly as you can and determine if they are of use to you. Throw things in your bag you think you might want, if you decide you don’t you can put them back before you check out. You are not to open boxes inside the bins and people do, mom kept trying to put things back together.... smh lol. All in all it was a great trip. Mom got a new purse, a huge water bottle thing for Joshua (he’s collecting camping stuff for this summer) a side sleeping pillow for Shirley, a box (20 or so) of AAA batteries, and a few other things. We determined hers was a 160 value she got for 40. I went real light after lessons learned last time and got a wall mounting thing for Rocky’s TV (20-75inch for real wall mount $5), and my favorite.... totally went on about this for awhile… and the point of this whole story I think lol I got some shampoo lol.... Paul Mitchell Lavender Mint Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner ($5!!). Seriously a $50 value right there and that’s top of the line stuff.... and I am in serious need of serious conditioner and some scalp saving tea tree. i have been putting it off because in the move we had discovered a bunch of bathroom stuff we had laying around, but at $5!! could not let that go for real!! k lol

Moving on.... Rocky met us at Fazoli’s for lunch, again mom paid.... I felt bad and told her so and she went on about all the things she does for Alicen she can at least buy us lunch. I said “Just because she sucks off you doesn’t mean I can”. She corrected me and I got over it. I mean she is my mother if she wants to buy me things I don’t guess I have a choice.

Came home, blogged, made dinner, and started dinner for today. I made some box beef thing for last night but I wanted to make stuffed green peppers today, problem with that is I hate 1hr cooking meals far too long so I did all the prep work last night, now I just need to dump the tomato sauce on and heat it in the oven. After dinner I had to run to get another green pepper because I had way more stuffing than places to stuff. Got 2 more green peppers and some french onion dip at Rocky’s request. After I fixed that and put it in the fridge i made cookies....errr

So, I made some Macadamia nut cookies the other day.... they were great… perfect even. So, last night I doubled the recipe and made some more. Those cookies however flattened like pancakes and stuck to the pan.... it was horrible… I wanted to cry and I did yell at Rocky when he came in there trying to figure out what I did wrong. “Too much this, not enough of that” which made me very angry because he’s not some kinda chef, he wasn’t there to tell me my math was wrong (which it wasn’t). Anyway, after putting in a second smaller set of cookies and coming out with the same results I put a lid on it and put the dough in the fridge. Had some vodka and cranberry juice and went to bed. This morning the “cookies” taste like pancakes.....

Today.... So, recently Rocky had been texted by his bank because a charge that seemed like it wasn’t him had been charged to his account. 51 bucks.... our first house payment is due in just a few days and this has me worried. I have the money for the house payment in my account but I can’t make the payment unless I have back up. I need him to be able to cover us for 2 days … just 2… but he can’t because his account is overdrawn … he gets paid today but we have to get to the bank to get whatever money we need and that means he needs gas so we can get there.... me putting gas in his tank will mean I won’t have enough to pay the house note. So then we have to get more money out from his account and go to another bank to put it in my account so we can pay that. ....

So, gas, Rocky’s bank in Nashville, lunch(I’m having a serious craving for a McRib), my bank, post office. Then dinner plans are for stuff green peppers. I’d like to get some kind of unpacking done, or clean up, but I will probably just craft.

I picked up a new hobby. 3D diamond painting. Look it up on Youtube. I love it, so pretty. I did “The Guardian Angel” by Heilige Schutzengel for my mother for Christmas, took me 3 weeks. I am currently working on a dragon one for my guest bathroom but after I get it finished I’m going to try to sell it. I also bought a 3 panel Leopard one for the living room that I intend on trying to sell after I finish. I’d much rather be doing those than working on unpacking… lol at least till spring.

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