December 24, 2016 in The Richness of Each Day, December 2016

  • Dec. 24, 2016, 9:10 p.m.
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I am sitting in my chair in the sunroom, after watching It’s a Wonderful World, and I can’t count the times I have seen it. Could any other actor than Jimmy Stuart moved our hearts so totally, after all these years? I don’t think so. Anyway, I have a glass of red wine to sip on, after working all evening here and there around this central part of my house. The richness of this day and this moment is certainly something that surprises me: I am feeling very much in a holiday mood, not at all stressed or sad. I am thinking of how solid and happy I am, looking forward to most of my loved ones being here tomorrow evening. Completely satisfied. Completely solitary. Completely whole.

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